Kingdom's Bloodline

Chapter 664 demand for life

"When I was a child, I was a child bully in the village, but when I grew up, everything was negotiable! The old man owed taxes to the lord in the fields, and the old lady worked as a weaver and paid it back to the old man, but the old man didn\'t believe in his fate and wanted to come to the city to ask for a good wife!"

His voice echoed on the canal, attracting many people on both sides of the boat and on both sides of the dock to respond:

"Good mother-in-law ho..."

Behind the ??man, five or six people—the laborers and porters who were also dressed in coarse clothes and in the autumn season—gathered at the other end of the boat, each holding a bottle of wine, and shouting and booing in ecstasy.

The arrival of the ??Emerald Festival has cleaned up the piers and warehouses in the Canal District that were originally crowded and busy.

On weekdays, the boat watchers, the overseers, the bookkeepers, the people who expedited the goods, the people who managed the meals, all the guys who were qualified to yell at people, or in other words, the civilized and decent citizens of the Emerald City, all left everything early. Dressed like a dog to participate in the carnival, in the canal area, except for a small number of merchant ships that are busy with their schedules, they are still counting their accounts and loading and unloading. Children, gamble and drink, hang out in groups, and do whatever it takes to find happiness, narcosis, vanity, madness—or anything else that gives even the slightest meaning to their so-called leisure time.

For the time being, it can be regarded as an alternative carnival that fits the atmosphere of the queen.

On the other side of the pier, another group of porters gathered by the fire to play cards. One of them threw down a bad deck of cards in his hand and responded to his colleagues on the boat. The local accent was hard to change, but his voice was loud:

"Besides the Emerald City, the Canal Pond, with strength on your shoulders, the sun rises and the moon sets, the wages are low, there is no food, no clothes, and no wife, the beginning of the year and the end of the year are the same, the black-hearted boss Nima will not live long!"

There was a sparse response around, and a long voice was drawn:

"Life is not long..."

In such an environment, Glover and Rolfe were clinging to the roadside, moving forward in a low-key manner, passing one dock after another and a freight warehouse.

Zombie wore the usual coat of dock porters. He was still wearing a lot of bandages because his injuries had not yet healed.

The Ghost with the Wind took off his mask, revealing the remaining tattoos on his face that he had slowly picked off over the past few years, as well as the scary scars from his neck to his chin. Aim around.

"This rhythm and volume should be the horn they call when they work," Glover whispered, "It seems that they also like to sing in their spare time."

is the lyrics, there may be changes.

Rolfe didn\'t speak, just looked around vigilantly.

"After carrying the seafood, I\'ll build the city wall, with a thick waist and broad shoulders, I\'ll beg my mother-in-law, and I\'ll beg the mother-in-law to put it at home, and **** it until it\'s dark in Nima!"

A laborer with a big waist and outdated clothes, walking on the road with a painted street prostitute in his arms, roared back towards the other side of the canal:

"Fucking a son of a bitch, hey, it\'s useless, and the Ming Dynasty is still **** hard to carry!"

The prostitute beside him slapped him hard, urging him to walk quickly and do things quickly, because he has a lot of business today.

There were voices of reconciliation again, but this time, the people who reconciled had a disagreement, some with evil smiles, and some roared bitterly:

"It\'s dawn!"

"Hold it hard..."

A group of drunken men walked past Glover and Rolfe, shoulder to shoulder, without even looking at them.

Rolfe withdrew his vigilant eyes and secretly made several gestures to Glover:

【You, dress up, you can’t. 】

Glover frowned fiercely at the dazzling string of sign language.

Why did Mallos let me talk to this dumb...

"Yes, there is a small leader of the Blood Bottle Gang in a nearby warehouse. I heard that he will entertain other gang members." Zombie pretended to communicate with the other party smoothly, "Morgan asked several people to ask, You know, \'Nicely\' asked."

Rolf gritted his teeth and tried to slow down his gestures:

【No! You, height, dress, draw, notice! 】

In Glover\'s eyes, he only felt that the other party shook the back of his hand.

He froze his face, running the logic of human communication with all his strength, speculating what Rolfe said in response:

"You are right, the Blood Bottle Gang has been here for many years and has been involved in half of the transportation and storage business on the dock. From porters, mechanics, coachmen to warehouse guards, there are many ears, eyes and deep roots."

Rolfe took a deep breath, tried to recall the prince\'s etiquette teachings, and gestured:

【You, understand, I, speak, don’t you? 】

"Yes, so in their territory, we can\'t be too careful."

【You are a sucker. 】

"Thank you, you too, good luck."

【Stupid! idiot! idiot! 】

"I know, so we have a plan."

[Fuck, you, mom. 】

"Yes, there is an accident, you find your way, my queen."

【Fuck—forget it. 】

"We\'ll be fine."


Rolfe gave up completely, he stopped making any gestures, just stared blankly at the road ahead.

No need to play "you draw I guess" anymore, Glover breathed a sigh of relief, wishing that DD was here. Although that young man can\'t sleep without the puppet bear at night, at least he is proficient in sign language and can communicate with him. Mute does not hinder communication.

They walked through a cluttered stack, two men wrestling with red-faced faces, some people around them trying their best to pull the frame, and some people shouting loudly.

There are more and more idlers around ??, and more and more horns echoing back and forth on the pier are getting louder and louder:

"Why don\'t you give birth to a little girl, marry an old rich and become a phoenix, the old rich still hates dowry, I will dig his guts with a knife! Grandpa and mother give birth to us, and she will suffer me to grow when the sun is set! "

"As soon as you grow up..."

"After chopping the old rich and chopping the boss, first ask the duke and then ask the king: I don\'t have a share of the good days, can you give me some compensation for the son of a bitch! Take off the vest and become a slaughtering man, if there is land and money, I will have more wives!"

"Many wives..."

The two passed a guard booth, and two warehouse guards sat on two chairs, frowning at these idlers.

"These **** porters, it\'s fine to drink, gamble, pay and go to prostitutes," one of the young guards snorted, "and dare to shout these dreadful tunes, so that the boss can hear them, and they won\'t be whipped..."

"Let them go, these hardships can be vented at the end of the year," another elderly guard lit his cigarette leisurely and opened a bag of dried fruit, "Otherwise, they will be suffocated, so the boss and the rich are sure It\'s okay, those of us who look at the warehouse, hehe, but it\'s really \'life is not long\'."

"We are covered by the Blood Bottle Gang, they dare!"

"Ha, where do you think the legend of water ghouls taking their lives at the docks came from?"

The young guard was startled, and his voice became lower:

"Water ghouls? But isn\'t that just made up to scare children?"

"I\'ve been working here for almost twenty years, but this city can eat people," the old guard chewed the dried fruit comfortably, "there are some things, some rules, not to mention the blood bottle gang, just Even if the big people in the warning hall and even the Kongming Palace come, they can only walk away silently, and there is nothing to do."

eat human.

The young guard swallowed and whispered:

"I heard a few days ago that the old duke of Kongming Palace was not killed by assassins, but was eaten by water ghouls?"

The old guard was stunned for a moment, and his face changed instantly:

"I didn\'t find out before, why are you talking so much? You\'re free? Go to the warehouse when you\'re free!"

Glover and Rolfe looked at each other and continued to turn into the next road.

The number on the pier still clearly came:

"Kill all the nobles and kill the profiteers, and the officials must pay their debts: I will keep all the bad things in my heart, and the good things will be repaid a hundred times! It\'s a big deal to take a trip to the Hell River, and I will also taste justice on the ferry!"

"Just try hey..."

The canal disappeared behind him, and locked warehouses and stacks appeared in front of him. Many men with fierce faces were sitting on the side of the road or leaning against the wall. When they saw two people approaching, they slowly stood up, their expressions unfocused. With good intentions.

One of them was in the lead, playing with a thin pole in his hand and wearing a bright red turban on his head.

Glover and Rolfe froze, they exchanged glances and stepped forward.

found it.


Before they could advance, the man with the red hood shook the thin pole in his hand and stopped them lazily.

"I\'ve been staring at you for a long time, isn\'t it from the dock?" Red Hood narrowed his eyes, "Where did you come from? What are you doing?"

Glover frowned and turned to look at Rolfe.

The Ghost of the Wind raised his eyebrows.


Glover took a deep breath.

Although negotiating is not his forte, but…

Who else can you count on?

The zombie turned around unnaturally and coughed:

"I heard that this is the place of the Blood Bottle Gang, let\'s find someone."

As soon as Glover opened his mouth, the red turban lit up in front of his eyes.

"Yo, out-of-towners," he motioned to the younger brothers around him to make way for him, tapping the thin rod in his palm, "knowing that this is the blood bottle gang, you dare to come to \'find someone\', it\'s too lifeless long?"

Can he speak directly, and can he not make it long?

And - Glover is a little fidgety - why does he keep knocking on that thin pole?

Rolfe gave him a push, and Glover came back to his senses.

"That," Zombie said unnaturally, subconsciously, "Do you know Moss or Diop?"

Red Turban and his subordinates froze for a moment.

"What? Who?"

Rolfe twitched in his heart and sighed in his heart.


In the next second, a cold wind suddenly blew in front of the warehouse, making Glover shake.

"Oh, um," Glover looked at Rolf, and finally remembered the plan in advance, "They said, Boss Tsimikas is recruiting here, and we want to join."

As soon as these words came out, the man in the red hood changed his expression.

He straightened his waist unconsciously and raised his chin.

"Boss Tsimikas? Oh yo, that\'s the stalwart of Boss Fogger - Boss Douro\'s subordinate! The warehouse at the seventh pier in the Canal District is a tyrant!"

The man in the red hood showed an unfathomable expression, and his tone was ethereal:

"He is very picky, not everyone can be attracted by him, and he will join the team smoothly, you know?"

The surrounding boys nodded in unison.

Glover frowned: Damn, can\'t he really ask questions with his fists?

"However, I see that you are not small, that\'s fine, I\'ll give you a chance," the red hooded man\'s eyes changed and he looked very embarrassed, "The recent situation is special, we have relatively strict rules, and we have to pay the security deposit first. …”

Glover\'s eyes changed:

"Why is the situation special?"

"It\'s none of your business. I\'m the boss of the film. If you want to join the team, you can hand it over by yourself..."

"you are not."

was waving a thin pole, and the man in red turban was stunned when he heard the words:


Glover rubbed his chin: "You are not the boss of this piece."


"You\'re wearing a red hood."

The expression of the man in the red hood changed, and he snorted coldly:

"Hey, do you know what this turban is? I can tell you, in this Emerald City, as long as you see a turban of our color, no matter who you are, you have to give it..."

On the other side, Rolfe burst out laughing.

The man in the red hood feels insulted.

"What are you laughing at? What\'s so funny? Why, look down on our Blood Bottle Gang?"

He raised the volume and looked fierce, and the younger brothers around him cooperated and showed ruthless expressions.

Rolf waved his hand, but he couldn\'t stop laughing, so he had to pull off a scarf to wrap his face.

"Speak! Are you dumb?" said the red hooded sternly.

Glover coughed.

"Well, people who have been in the Blood Bottle Gang for a long time usually don\'t wear red headscarves very often, unless they are out for gang fights," Zombie stated.

The man in the red hood was stunned.

Also stunned were his younger brothers.

Glover thought of another possibility and blurted out:

"Oh, or impersonation?"

The front of the warehouse was quiet for a moment.

The next second, the man wearing the red hood became angry and waved the thin pole:

"I\'m **** your mother-in-law—"

But halfway through the thin pole, the red turban looked at Glover\'s size with a hesitant expression on his face.


At this moment, a thick but gentle voice came, attracting everyone\'s attention.

"Boss!" Tsimikas - a man wearing a red turban sounded like a man in the sky, he immediately regained his anger and straightened his back with his younger brothers.

A capable man came out of the warehouse. At first glance, he seemed to be dressed like an ordinary warehouse worker, but Glover and Rolfe changed their expressions.

The ?? voiced man walked up to Glover and Rolfe. His eyes were sharp, his muscles were muscular, and his left arm was particularly thick.

"Good man," the stout man glanced at Glover and was amazed by his stature, "It doesn\'t seem like someone else sent a cannon fodder to make trouble."

Tsimikas hid beside the boss with a flying expression:

"Hey, this is Boss Fogg\'s subordinate general - Boss Duro! You are miserable, but the boss of labor actually personally..."

But before he finished speaking, Duro moved his arm lightly, his elbow seemed to be light, but he knocked Tsimikas into words, covered his chest and stepped back in discomfort.

"It looks like you know what you can do," Duro narrowed his eyes and looked at Glover and Rolfe, "I\'m just kidding, shouldn\'t it be the police officer who came to investigate undercover when he heard the wind?"

Glover and Rolf frowned, they didn\'t need to talk, they could feel it: this boss is different from his subordinates, and his strength is not ordinary.

"In the Emerald City, vigilantes don\'t need to be undercover."

Glover said in a muffled voice:

"They can walk in with a swagger, just like you can walk into the guard hall."

Duro rolled his eyes.

"It makes sense, this is the Emerald City after all," he rubbed his hands, "Then you are the people from the black silk?"

Black silk.

Tsimikas and his little brothers were all nervous.

"No. I used to be a gang member," Glover was silent for a while. "I\'ve been away for a long time. Now come back and find work."

Duro eyebrow pick:

"Interesting, help? Which boss?"

"I used to be in the capital, a circus den, and I followed Kes to sweep the streets."

Duro was stunned for a moment: "Royal Capital? Circus Nest, Kes? Street sweeping? Are you sweeping the floor?"

"Oh, you mean Joker? Joker?"

Zimikas\'s expression changed, and he waved his arms excitedly a few times: "It is said that he can conjure flying knives out of thin air and take people\'s lives to the invisible boss of the capital, one of the eight powerful warriors with incomparable power?"

Glover frowned.

Tsimikas took off the red turban and got close to Duro:

"The boss is like this, street sweeping is just an argument..."

Duro obviously didn\'t know much about the blood bottle gang\'s reasons, and he frowned while listening.

Tsimikas said halfway through, his expression suddenly froze.

"No, I heard people say that the clown has been dead for ten years, and his circus nest has been scattered for a long time. Where did you jump out of?"

Duro\'s expression changed.

"Seven years."

Glover was silent for a while, then spoke with difficulty:

"Kes died seven years ago, in the capital, Hongfang Street, in a one-night war."

"I collected the body for him."

Rolfe couldn\'t help but glance at Glover, and found that the latter\'s expression was extremely complicated.

Duro understood and was silent for a while.

"Good man, what\'s your name?"


This question stopped Glover. He opened his mouth to speak and hesitated for a long time:

"Fat, fat dude."

Duro was startled, while Tsimikas burst into laughter.

Even Rolfe looked contemptuous.

"Pfft - the boss is asking your name, the kind that can be written on paper!"

Glover gritted his teeth, but his mind went blank.

"My name is…"

Rolfe, seeing that the situation was not good, secretly stabbed him.

"My name is - Wyah!"

Glover was shocked and reacted:

"Yeah, everyone calls me, \'Fatty\' Wyya."

At that moment, Rolfe just wanted to suffocate himself in the face towel.


Duro frowned, remembering something:

"You\'re fat, but it\'s reasonable to say that you are fat, but Wyah... oh, there are quite a few people with this name now."

He turned to Rolfe:

"What about you? The one with scars?"

Tsimikas didn\'t dare to say anything to Glover, but when he saw the target shift, he immediately became arrogant:

"You! The one with scars! The boss asked you something! Are you dumb!"

Rolf frowned at him.

Until Glover speaks unnaturally:

"He is indeed dumb."

Oh... oh?

Several people were silent for a while, and the atmosphere was slightly awkward.

"He\'s my brother, his name is, his name is..."

Glover instinctively said:

"Teto, his name is Teto, I call him little Teto."

What is this special name?

Rolfe\'s face darkened even more.

"Very well, Wyah—I\'ll call you Fatty, Fatty, Teto," Duro pondered for a while, "you said you were from the gang and had followed that clown in the capital, how can you prove it? Yes? Introducer?"

As soon as these words came out, Glover\'s expression darkened.

Just when Rolfe thought he was speechless and they could only run away, Glover let out a breath.

"The people brought out under the clown\'s hands are Dalton in my contemporaneity: a hot-headed lunatic who robbed at the gate of the police hall, went to prison, and then disappeared."

Glover\'s expression was bleak:

"\'Three Hands\' Foen was a thief, but unfortunately he didn\'t have a fourth hand. After being caught, he was beaten to death."

Tsimikas quickly recalled something.

Duro did not speak.

"And Dorno, who was frightened by the clown\'s flying knife since he was a child. He was timid and insidious, and only dared to sneak attack from behind, and also died on Hongfang Street."

"And Speen, that guy has great strength and good luck. He offended the clown once, but he didn\'t die, so he went to the other boss to collect the bill. Later, um, he should have died too."

Glover clenched his fists after saying this.

Rolfe looked at him, his eyes twinkling.

Duro looked at the fist of the zombie, but still questioned:

"That is to say, these people are now dead without any evidence. You are talking nonsense, and no one knows?"

Glover was silent for a while:

"And Tinker, who became a thug, and Lillian, who was the most promising, was taken away by Mammy Laiya, and is now doing a club business, which is very prosperous."

"Ah, I know Lillian!" Zimikas was excited for a while, "Last time I went to the capital to help out, passing by the clubhouse, that pair of big tits..."

Duro waved his hand lightly, and Zimikas once again bent over while clutching his stomach.

"I believe what you said is true," Duro looked at Glover, "but these people you said, they are either dead or far away in the capital, and there is no way to prove it."


Rolfe swallowed, and he unconsciously reached out to the two short blades on his lower back.

Glover glanced at Douro.

"When the clown is practicing flying knives, he likes to let the living person hold the target. He said that it feels like this."

He took a step forward and opened his sleeves:

"The traces left by the clown\'s flying knives are not seen by ordinary people."

Duro and Rolfe took a closer look, and sure enough, there were countless scratches on the side of Glover-Pudden\'s palm.

Tsimikas leaned forward and said with a crooked mouth:

"How do I know you didn\'t draw it yourself with a knife..."

Glover turned his head sharply, full of murderous intent, causing Tsimikas to shrink back in fright.

"When you lift the target, in order to avoid injury, you will try your best to turn your arm sideways, so the scars are concentrated on the outer side of the forearm," Glover said in a low voice, "and the flying knife rubs, the marks in the piercing, and the holding knife. It came out different."

Duro looked at Glover differently.

Rolfe stared at Glover, not knowing what to think.

Tsimikas looked at his boss and then at Glover, feeling rather aggrieved: "Che, you say yes..."

Duro sighed: "After the clown died, why didn\'t you go to the other bosses?"

"Nobody likes the clowns because people think they are being clowns..."

Glover paused for a moment, and there was an unseen light in his eyes:

"tortured as crazy as he was."

"So, fat duner, where have you been all these years?"

"I went to Xihuang to become a soldier."

Tsimikas\' eyes lit up:

"You said Xihuang? Ha, haha! You can\'t quibble about this! I can tell you that our boss, Douro, retired from Xihuang!"

Glover and Rolf were surprised.

Surprisingly, Duro frowned.

Tsimikas looked like "You are finished":

"The boss is a general who leads troops on the battlefield! He has experienced hundreds of battles and fought **** battles with orcs and barren people! He also fought side by side with the famous Legendary Wing, drinking at the same table, calling him a brother and a brother, and wishing he could give his heart to—"

The third time, he was forced to stop by Duro\'s elbow.

"You said you have been to the desert," Duro\'s tone tightened, showing calm and vigilance, "Which army did you serve in?"

Rolfe glared at Glover.

"I\'m fighting for the Chroma family, Thunder Crow, Second Commando." Zombie replied calmly.

"Oh, Thunder Crow?"

Duro rolled his eyes:

"I heard that there is a big guy who is very capable of hitting, named Wanda. He killed the \'meat grinder\' Zisa Death Iron before?"

Glover shook his head:

"I don\'t know, I don\'t even know a few words. All I know is that a long time ago, there was a big guy in the army who could fight named Cohen. He was a young master."

Duro raised his eyebrows:

"Oh, yes. I remember that Thunder Crow is the ace troop, and he is the son of the Croma family. You have made a lot of money over the years, haven\'t you?"

"On the contrary," Glover shook his head in denial. "The \'headed crow\' is the real son of the Chloroma family. We are only raised by the stepmother, and most of the seized items will be divided among them. The rest will be shared with the group of the standing army. Crazy **** for food."

"well said!"

Unexpectedly, Duro suddenly raised the volume, startling everyone:

"Crazy bitch!"

"Old, boss?" Tsimikas asked cautiously.

Duro took a deep breath:

"Then why did you come back to the gang?"

"The standing army won, we withdrew, and the Cromar family didn\'t support us, so we could only do a little business."

Glover raised his head, cautiously:

"But to do business on the street, you have to be covered."

Duro narrowed his eyes:

"Since you were in the capital before, why didn\'t you return to the capital?"

"The capital is very good, there are many opportunities, and it will become famous quickly," Glover replied, only feeling cold sweat, "But here, the Emerald City is full of oil and water."

"And you\'re short of money? Why?"

Lack of money?

Glover was speechless again, but he had an idea.

"This is my younger brother, Teto, when I went to the Western Wilderness," Zombie grabbed Rolf, who was stunned, and forced himself to look sad, "His legs were broken, and his throat was... Anyway, dumb, need money, a lot of money!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone looked at their "brothers" with strange expressions.

Except for Rolf.

The Ghost with the Wind looked at Glover with a look of disgust: Who are you deceiving with this stupid acting?

Or hurry up and prepare to run!

At this moment, Duro raised his stout left arm and slapped Glover on the shoulder.

Around the zombie, his expression changed.

"Good man!"

I saw that Du Luo was quite shocked and wiped his crystal clear eyes:

"What is dignity? Make money for your family! Don\'t be ashamed!"

Glover and Rolf hugged each other and looked at him blankly.

"Very good, Wyya - let\'s call you Fat Dun, Fat Dun, you are also from the army, and you have been in the gang, I will not come to you," Duro wiped his tears, "My name is Ku. Zac Duro, from the Western Wilderness, is a new member of the Blood Bottle Gang..."

Tsimikas on the side of ?? hurriedly added:

"I was greeted by Mr. Fogg as soon as I arrived, and I was promoted exceptionally—"

Duro interrupted him with a wave of his hand: "I just came to the Emerald City and settled at the pier a month ago, but you see, the other bosses in the gang want to see me laughing, and I, um, need manpower."

Glover glanced at Tsimikas, who held his head high.

Duro paused for a while, and said:

"Better hands."

Glover paused:

"If...we have two of us."

Duro glanced at Rolfe, revealing the relief of "I didn\'t see the wrong person": "Your brother is not in good health?"

"He can fight," Glover said, "it\'s just that his legs are bad."

"Still dumb." Tsimikas reminded sourly.

Rolfe grunted uncomfortably.

Duro pondered for a while.

"So, if you want to join the gang, come and stand up later and help your momentum," he said. "If you are not scared to pee, let\'s talk about joining the gang?"

Glover and Rolfe looked at each other.

"Don\'t worry, I won\'t treat my brother badly," Duro patted his chest, "Even if it\'s like Tsimikas."

Tsimikas was startled, and quickly defended:

"I was the tour guide on the first day of Boss Douro\'s visit to the Emerald City. The Boss is generous and loyal..."

"What are you standing on? A fight or blood?" Glover interrupted him.

"Big game!" Tsimikas said angrily.

"There\'s no place," Douro shook his head, "Boss Fogg is coming to me for a meeting, why, are you afraid?"

Glover was silent for a while.

"Why, if it\'s \'Wanderer\' Fogg, why do you want to drive here as a newcomer?"

Duro\'s eyes lit up.

"Good question, because Fergie isn\'t just going to have a meeting," Duro gritted his teeth. "He\'s going to invite the other bosses in the gang, the bosses who are on a par with him - to negotiate."


Rolf frowned.

"Negotiations? What happened?"

"Hey, let\'s talk to the black silks... Well, let\'s put it this way, Fat Dun\'er: Recently, there has been a big incident in Emerald City, or in other words, a big incident is about to happen."

Big event.

Glover and Rolfe looked at each other.

Duro smiled:

"So no one under Boss Fogg dares to do this—except me."

Glover was silent for a while:

"Okay, what about our pay?"

Zimikas next to ?? changed his face when he heard the words:

"Hey, you\'re a fat bastard, Douro boss is willing to take a fancy to you, but your rare blessing—"

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Douro\'s slap again.

"Remuneration, very good, I like you to be so direct," Du Luo laughed, "In this way, after standing on the field today, I will go to a few places to go shopping, and no matter how much I have received, I will give you half of it. "


"Just today, trial period."

Glover and Rolfe exchanged glances:

"make a deal."

A few hours later, a Glover and Rolf stood in an empty warehouse, among the younger brothers of a blood bottle gang such as Zimikas, waiting for the first guest to arrive.

"Well, that\'s Boss Fogg, and some of his most trusted men."

Tsimikas, who took off the red hood, straightened his back, and was sandwiched by Glover and Rolf, to be precise, Fat Dumpty Wyah and Little Teto, watching a group of strong and fierce blood bottles help the crowd pass through. Alley, come to the warehouse.

"\'Wanderer\' Fogg?"

"Don\'t call him that! Boss doesn\'t like that nickname!"

"The Wanderer" Fogg is not tall, but with a smile on his face, surrounded by a group of men, he opened his arms and greeted Duro:

"Brother Duro!"

"Fogg, good friend!" Duro laughed and hugged Fogg as well.

"Oh, I really didn\'t see the wrong person, you can see how well this place has been run in such a short period of time..."

"No, I was desperate, thanks to you for taking me in..."

Tsimikas looked at Ferg with excitement, and couldn\'t help showing off his knowledge:

"That\'s \'The Barber\' Balta, yes, he\'s really a barber, and a well-known intelligence dealer in the gang; Tommy the Good Guy of Kofun Street, the reason why he has this nickname, let\'s put it this way, the city wants to buy Building materials, you can\'t get around him, so no one dares to say that he is not good; \'The Record\' Franco, in the Goddess District, which theater owner wants to open a new play, it can\'t be done without his approval..."

"And the \'newspaper seller\' Zeka, who monopolized the printing business in three districts; and the \'bad shoemaker\' Jaga, who started out repairing shoes in the Qiaoshou district. I heard that he was a dog, and now he is in In which Roger Chamber of Commerce; \'Dunge\' Roger, wow, that\'s a great nickname, the dung pickers and sewer cleaners only listen to him, whoever offends Roger will wait for the stench in the house …”

"These people, they sound like good citizens." Glover frowned.

Tsimikas nodded:

"Hey, that\'s right, this is our blood bottle gang, there are many ways to get money, especially in the Emerald City, it\'s not just fighting and killing, unlike the black silks in the North Gate Bridge... "

At this moment, Tsimikas stared at him, breathing quickly, and he shook Glover\'s arm:

"Look! Fatty! Damn, boss, real boss!"

Glover followed his gaze: in the direction of the pier, there came a group of ruthless characters who were not local people at first glance.

But then the zombies felt something was wrong—the wind around them got stronger and faster.

The sound of the wind whistled back and forth, making people close their eyes.

On the other side of Tsimikas, Rolfe stared at the new group of blood bottle gang members, his eyes as cold and ominous as sharp blades.

What\'s wrong?

Glover frowned deeply, he stretched out his hand to block the strange wind, looked at the ferocious group of visitors, and asked Zimikas, who was almost rushing out excitedly:

"Who is that?"

"Are you joking?"

Zimikas pointed to the leader in the distance and shouted in the wind:

"That\'s the mainstay of the Blood Bottle Gang, a legend!"

"In the legend, the powerful warrior who fought with the Black Street Brotherhood in the capital for many years, resisted the black sword without falling, and supported the dignity of the Blood Bottle Gang - \'Red Viper\' Nekra!"

At that moment, Glover subconsciously trembled.

He vaguely felt an indescribable coldness emanating from Rolfe beside him.

The sound of the wind is getting louder and louder, and at the same time, the tune of the boatmen in the distance is sent back and forth to the ear:

"The ferrymen of the prison river also punt the boat, and they are half companions to collect money and transport them. On the road of life and death, recognize fellow villagers, and we are also good at killing and stalking souls! Fellow villagers are not alone from now on.

"—repay your life!"

(end of this chapter)

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