Kingdom's Bloodline

Chapter 572 - Heart of the Guards

Chapter 572: Heart of the Guards

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation


‘Hmph, defects.’

The watchman pursed his lips.

He looked around in the world of desolation and saw dilapidation in every corner.

‘Oh Vogel, what makes you believe that there are true ‘quality products’ in this world?’

“Trust me, Lord Mallos. I hate to describe fellow guards as such.”

Vogel scoffed and leaned back in his chair.

“But clearly, you have not left me with much choice.”

In the awkward silence, Mallos stared at Vogel for a long time but did not speak.

Will had long thought of himself as dead, and had almost integrated with the spell on the wall.

Mallos sighed.

“What do you want, Vogel?”

The watchman uncharacteristically referred to Vogel by his first name instead of his last, and continued calmly, “If you are looking to find trouble with my subordinates.

“It would be more effective to report directly to His Majesty, or the captain, or even Chief Penal Officer Falcondor.

Vogel stared back at him, the anger on his face gradually receding.

After a few seconds, he reverted to become the strict vice-captain again.

“Flag bearer Will,” Vogel called out softly.

Will, who was trying hard to pretend he wasn’t there, shuddered involuntarily.

“Why don’t you cut that poor Sound Replication Spell some slack and go for a walk outside?”

Will looked up from the spell that he had been ‘repairing’ for the past five minutes, his face ashen.

“Go for a walk...”

Finally realizing what that meant, he replied gleefully, “Of course! I just happened to be a bit tired after sitting for so long. You are very considerate, Commander Talon...”

“Will.” This time, it was Mallos. He was calm and gentle, concise and clear. “Go out.


Will, who was about to say something, immediately stopped talking.

In the space of a few seconds, he stood up quietly, left the sight of the other two, then slipped out of the night shift break room like he was fleeing disaster.

Leaving Vogel and Mallos facing each other in the room.

And the Sound Replication Spell that was emanating a strange glow.

“Others may not see it, Tormond,” Vogel said softly, referring to Mallos by his first name, “But the Flag Bearer Division is the eyes and ears of the guards, specializing in internal review.

“After last night, I realized that these so-called Star Lake Guards under your command either lacked reputation, had deficient characters, were unreceptive scions, or have messy private lives...”

He tapped the personnel files on the table.

“When you became his personal guard captain, everyone was envious of your opportunity to be close to the prince. But you chose from the royal guards this marginalized and controversial bunch to be your righthand men?

“Is it because they are easier to control, or that they pose less of a threat, and are less likely to cause trouble?”

Vogel’s gaze turned keen. “Or maybe I should ask: what was your intention?”

‘The prince’s personal guard captain.

‘Opportunity to be close to the prince, everyone was envious?’

Mallos was expressionless.

‘You’re envious, Vogel.

‘I’m not.’

Mallos paused before replying, “You’re suspecting me.”

There was brief silence in the night shift break room.

Vogel crossed his arms and sneered. “When I saw the righteous act of the Duke of Star Lake last night...”

He picked up the last file on the table. “Do you know what I thought?”

Vogel was slightly lost in thought.


“He isn’t willing to sacrifice the pawn to save the king.”

Mallos was somewhat unsettled.

Vogel focused his gaze. “Sacrifice the pawn.”

The vice-captain shoved to file towards Mallos.


Mallos looked at it. On the file, his own portrait was staring back at him.





Vogel slapped a palm on the table, coincidentally covering Mallos’ name on the file.

“I don’t know why the watchman has such great autonomy, but after taking over the Flag Bearer Division, my job is to scrutinize every guard.

“To prevent tragedy from repeating itself.”

As their eyes met, their breathing staggered in unison.

Mallos did not speak.

In his world of desolation, Vogel’s shadow was enormous.

“So yes, I’m suspecting you, watchman.”

The flag bearer leaned forward. His keen gaze landed on Mallos. “As you said, many files in the watchmen’s chamber are top-secret Eternal Files—including those on the Bloody Year.

“So I suspect that, when you became his personal guard captain and selected his Star Lake Guards, you had ulterior motives.

“Motives that are beyond the duties of a royal guard and unknown even to His Majesty and the captain.”

Mallos’ gaze fell on the glowing Sound Replication Spell.

Before he got a response, Vogel scoffed in a warning tone, “Tell me, you must have a good reason for doing this, don’t you?”

Vogel’s gaze turned cold.

“Tell me, what is it about the prince?

“Is there a secret that only watchmen over the generations know about?

“That leads you to act warily, cautiously, unusually and even absurdly around him?”

Mallos’ expression remained unchanged but he sighed inside.

“Tell me, Tormond. Otherwise I’ll submit this Eternal File to His Majesty and the captain,” Vogel threatened coldly, “Tell me that those twenty four guards and yourself, are not...”

There was a chilling warning in the tone of Vogel’s voice, “Consumables, specially selected by you for the special prince on your own initiative and out of resentment.”

In that moment, Mallos saw in the world of desolation that Vogel’s shadow and flame became infinite, obscuring everything.

The room was quiet. Only the Sound Replication Spell was left operating tenaciously, ignoring the tension in the air.

After a few seconds.

“Vogel,” the watchman looked up as he called the name like he did many years ago, “What is it that’s bothering you?”

Vogel was taken aback.

Mallos looked at him with a blank expression. “Is it that, a year ago, I was nominated for and took from you the watchman position that was supposed to be in your grasp?”

Vogel’s expression changed.

“Is it the senior flag bearer Colin Samel that escaped from his prisoner escorts due to your error six years ago?

“Is it that, after you finished training and on the day before you were about to officially join the royal guards, you witnessed ‘Blood Chant’ behead the former king in Hall of Stars?

“Is it that, in the Bloody Year, the capital was engulfed in chaos and disaster, leading to the death of your parents in the hands of a mob?”

Vogel’s complexion turned paler by a shade at each question.

“Or is it that, due to the appearance of the second prince at the National Conference six years ago,” the watchman asked slowly, “The Talon family, who are part of the Thirteen Distinguished Families and distant relatives of the Jadestars, could not succeed the royal family as they would have if the king had no descendants?

“Vogel Talon?”

Mallos stood in his world of desolation and, predictably, saw that Vogel’s huge shadow was trembling, and the infinite flame flickered.

Longing, agitated, uneasy.

And terrified.

“When one loses everything, they always want to grab hold of something—whether it be a life-saving stalk of straw or the devil’s conditions.

“Don’t let fear dominate your life, old friend.” Mallos shook his head. “It’s not worth it.”

Vogel’s breathing quickened and his fury burned hotter.

“If that’s your answer, watchman...”

Mallos interjected, “D.D.

“He has a very special ability.”

Vogel narrowed his eyes.

“It’s true, most people, including you, might think of him as a naïve scion, thick-skinned, lazy, nonsensical, or even sloppy and unreliable...”

Mallos’ pupils focused. “But the thing is.

“Whether they look down on him, treat him with disdain, find him frustrating or feel he is hopeless.

“After most people spend time with Danny Doyle and get to know his personality, they will find it hard to be angry at him.

“It’s difficult to truly...hate him.

“Let alone detest or enter into a conflict with him.”

Vogel’s expression changed.

“As long as he is willing, he can get closer to anyone in a minute, without hindrance or burden, even if the other person is an inhuman psychopath or a cold-blooded monster.”

Mallos stared at the shadow in his cup.

“To have most people in this world not hate you—do you know how hard that is, Lord Talon?”

He continued quietly, “It would be far easier to attain supreme class.

“That’s why, even though he is not the best in terms of capability and quality, Danny Doyle is able to get along with the other guards. He is well-regarded and they are happy for him to step up when a situation arises.”

Vogel stared at Mallos, his eyes still ablaze with fury.

“And Vanguard Glover,” Mallos stared back at Vogel, and continued calmly, “Although he is quiet and uncommunicative, he is dependable and meticulous.

“He was part of the Desert War. Of the younger generation in the Vanguard Division, he has the most comprehensive understanding of what actual combat is like. Even if Vice Chief Protector Marigo went all out, he might not necessarily beat Glover.”

Vogel frowned.

“As for his blemishes, if you don’t restrict yourself to cold records and numbers, and are willing to break down the prejudices and misunderstandings of others, Lord Talon.

“Then you will perhaps realize that Caleb Glover fought with his peers because, for five long years, they insulted his family and background, alienated him and made false accusations against him.

“As a royal knight of the kingdom, Caleb Glover could no longer bear it and was compelled to respond.”

Vogel repeated with a frown. “Compelled to?”

Mallos nodded. “If I were you, I would pay more attention to the internal discipline of the guards.

“And think about why six people were beleaguering one person in the Vanguard Division.

“And why in the Vanguard Division, which is known for being tough in actual combat, a six-versus-one fight resulted in three injuries and one disability.”

Vogel did not speak. He looked at the file on the desk.

“As for the others.

“Patterson has a peculiar temperament, and Stone is about to retire, so they won’t easily be bought—particularly given that, upon the prince’s return, everyone will pounce and want a piece of him.

“To be honest, Kommodore is indeed imperfect, but we needed someone that understood the workings of the city’s police force and bureaucrats.

“I was not aware of Jonveled affair with his stepmother, and Kostad is indeed a Child of Thorns, but given the prince’s experience for the past six years,” Mallos explained assuredly, “There was a need to ensure the geographical diversity of the guards.

“It’s true that Ness is a headache, but who among us wasn’t arrogant and self-centered when we were young? In his case, it might be a little exaggerated, but all he needs is someone to temper him, for example...a sturdy partner that can take a good thrashing.

“And did I mention that, in the Desert War, Bastia took two blows from an orc’s hammer but did not fall?

“As for vanguard Morgan, his 20-year-old case had been decided. There was no evidence to support the claim that he killed his superior...”

Vogel scoffed. “Isn’t that even more unnerving?”

Mallos smiled.

“I know my subordinates,” the watchman said calmly, “They are not what you think.”

Mallos stared at his old friend earnestly. “They are not consumables, nor expendable pawns.

“They are people.”

Silence filled the night shift break room once again.

Vogel’s gaze oscillated between the file and Mallos, wandering.



After a long silence, Vogel patted the files on the desk and snorted. “You know the Flag Bearer Division doesn’t view things that way.

“Don’t trust people—that’s the first thing they teach you at the Flag Bearer Division.”

Mallos shook his head. “A long time ago, about sixty years ago, the royal guards had a watchman called Cyril Fakenhaz.

“He once said: the Command Division is the brain, the Flag Bearer Division is the eyes and ears, Vanguard and Defence are the arms and legs, Logistics forms the flesh and blood, and Discipline is the spine.

“But the legacy watchman...

“Is the heart of the guards.”

Vogel was stunned.

“The brain can be confused, the eyes and ears can also be deceived. Limbs can break and bones can fracture. Even The Emperor’s Praetorian Guards were once adrift and in ruins.”

Mallos picked up his own file from the table and stood up. “But the heart won’t be.”

He put his hand to his chest and said solemnly, “Legacy alone shall be unceasing.

“Witnessing eternity.”

Vogel stared at him, dazed.

Mallos closed the file that contained his portrait and added it to the top of the pile of the other files.

“I guess the flag bearer recording ends here?

“If you wish, submit the Eternal File to His Majesty. I don’t mind.”

The watchman nodded and turned to leave.

Vogel took a few deep breaths. He stared at Mallos’ leaving figure but was no longer dogged.

On the contrary, his expression was calm and his gaze was clear as water.

In Mallos’ world, he saw the flame in Vogel’s chest fragment inch by inch and turn to ash.

The vice-captain spoke again.

“Really? The heart?”

Mallos’ footsteps staggered.

“Tell me then, old friend...” Vogel’s hoarse voice sounded like the hiss of a viper’s tongue, “When you snitched and sold your father out to Renaissance Palace...

“When your actions led to the execution of your entire family, and caused an unprecedented riot in Eternal Star City, which allowed assassins to take advantage of this opportunity to stir up trouble, resulting in widespread bloodshed...”

The cup that was held firmly in the watchman’s hand trembled.

Vogel’s gaze pierced his back like a blade.

“Tormond Mallos. After exchanging all that to gain the trust of the king and earn your current status...

“Outwith visible records...

“Do you really have a ‘heart’?”

In that moment, Mallos felt the Power of Eradication within him crumble.

He saw his desolate world instantly fill with color. Grass grew and birds soared. There was a vibrant array of flowers and greenery. Life sprung from every corner.

It was alluring, mysterious, intoxicating.

It was enchanting.

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