Dark Blood Age

Chapter 170

Chapter 170

Chu Yunsheng thought for a second. Zhu Lingdie seemed to have also talked about two paths that his father and Fang Yuehou had chosen. Although professor Sun was not a senior officer from GCH, what he said was very close to the truth, so he asked, “what exactly is the anti-world?”

“Mr. Chu, you have studied engineering, so you should know that antimatter exists in this world, right? For example, a proton has a positive charge while an antiproton has a negative charge. A collision between any particle and its antiparticle partner will create a huge energy burst, its power can compete with any nuclear weapon that is known to us!

During the age of light, creating antimatters and preserving them were extremely difficult. They could only be used in labs, but since the entire physics system has changed, we have discovered a lot of dark energies and dark matters. We have re-deduced the theory before; if the anti-world exists, its link to the positive world is the mysterious dark energy. This is the only assumption we have, which can barely explain the stability of the entire space.

We have also proposed a theory that the dark energy’s antimatter could be just dark energy itself, just like the photon, the antiphoton is itself.” Professor Fang tried to explain it as simply as possible.

Chu Yunsheng was indeed an engineering student, and professor Fang also explained in a very simplistic way, so he understood a little bit what he said, “if the antiworld only contains antimatters, that means that if we enter the anti-world we will die, won’t we?” he asked.

“This is why the aliens came to you, not other low-ranking dark warriors! From what we observed. Their targets are at least Rank-4 dark warriors or individuals who are as powerful as the four dark warrior kings! We suspect that the reason why those aliens set this standard is that only when dark warriors reach this level, their energy shield will be strong enough to prevent them from colliding with antimatter.

Also because of the existence of dark energy fields, the collision of particles and its anti-particles may not lead to a large-scale energy release. However, we don’t know the rules of physics in the “anti-world” and because of the limited conditions, we couldn’t conduct any kind of experiment. The only data we could gather was from the last nuclear explosion, and some assumptions were made based on those data.” professor Fang shook his head.

Chu Yunsheng knew which nuclear explosion he was talking about; he had also personally experienced it, and he was almost killed by it.

In any case, Professor Fang’s explanation was enough to make Chu Yunsheng realize that the “anti-world” was extremely dangerous.

However, compared to dark warrior kings, Chu Yunsheng had more protection methods. He had armour, shield and Ben Ti Yuan Qi’s protection.

“When I came here, I saw some troops block the place where the monolith originally was. There are also five strange shaped machines. Are they going to use those machines to open the entrance of the anti-world?” Chu Yunsheng asked.

“Yes, that’s right! Xiao Chu. After the monolith left, they have sped up their plans. They are going to activate the machine very soon, so you need to be prepared! Be extremely careful.” professor Sun sounded very concerned. “Our technology is not as advanced as them, you are the only one we know that has the power to compete with them. So please do take care of yourself!”

Chu Yunsheng did not need anyone to remind him. It was his life. Of course, he would take care of himself. He would not allow himself to be manipulated by those aliens.

“We have told you everything we know. Also, Type-2 dark energy guns have been completed. We will ask Xiao Zhou to send one over to you,” said Professor Sun.

“Thank you!” said Chu Yunsheng. Although the reason why they cared about him was different than that of his family, he didn’t know what else to say apart from that.

“This is the information regarding the new food research I sort out recently. It’s only just my personal opinion. It may be fragmented and not systematic, but on the macro level, the direction is not wrong. In terms of the specific research work, it requires you to put some efforts on it.” said Chu Yunsheng as he passed out some draft that he had spent quite some time to make. It described the concept and the principle behind alexipharmic talismans.

“Let me have a look!” professor Huo was the first one, who grabbed the paper.

“Huh? This is truly incredible!” professor Huo’s expression was changing quickly while glancing through the draft. With the impact of the dark energy and dark matter on traditional physics and biology, they had already started to think outside the box.

What Chu Yunsheng did was to give them the answer without telling them how to do it. It was like giving a technician a completed product. The technician might be able to reverse engineer the product and understand all the knowledge behind it.

“Since Xiao Chu is confident about it, in my opinion, Old Huo, you should organize people to start the research as soon as possible. The food shortage problem has already reached the critical level, we shouldn’t delay it any longer.” professor Sun roughly looked at the paper and said.

The information Chu Yunsheng brought to them was a huge surprise!

Once the food crisis was solved, then people would have the strength to fight the insects. It would be just a matter of time to eliminate all the insects.

GRD this huge “research machine” started to run its maximum power after Chu Yunsheng left. Chu Yunsheng heard that all the researchers’ break times were reduced. They were only allowed to rest less than 6 hours a day.

“Brother Chu, something happened on the other side of the river!” Yao Xiang shouted to Chu Yunsheng before he got into the office building. He was short of breath because he had just run back from the front line.

It seemed like the swarm was trying to recover themselves recently, and there were not any movements from the other side of the river. So normally Chu Yunsheng didn’t need to go to the front line all the time. Only Yao Xiang and Lu Yu took turns to lead the teams to patrol the front line from time to time.

“What happened?” Chu Yunsheng’s heart skipped a beat. If the insects were going to push at this time. The situation inside the city would get even worse.

“The research team that was supposed to collect the research data and samples from the other side of the river had encountered a purple flame monster this morning! They have lost most of the data and ran back in a panic!” Yao Xiang said nervously.

“How did they survive if they encountered the purple flame monster?” Chu Yunsheng doubted that they could run away. He could still remember what happened when he encountered one for the first time. Apart from him, anyone who was locked by it would definitely be dead!

“They saw it through the binoculars. They were so scared that they ran away in panic!” said Yao Xiang.

“Do you know the exact location? Take me to see those researchers!” Chu Yunsheng said immediately.

The reason why Jin Ling city could survive from the last insect’s push was mainly that there weren’t many purple flame monsters, this kind of powerful monster in the swarm. If there were many of them, Jin Ling city would probably have already been taken by the insects.

Since he killed the last purple flame monster, he had always been paying extra attention to this kind of special monster. He also told Lu Yu and Yao Xiang that whenever anyone discovered them, they needed to inform him at once.

Originally, he just wanted to gain some experience, so it would be easier for him to fight the same monster in the future, but now the situation has changed. He suspected that the reason why the swarm didn’t have any movements was that “Min” was first injured by the ancient book, and then it was injured by the monolith. It probably has not recovered from its injuries yet.

He suddenly had a very bold plan. If there was just one purple flame monster on the other side of the river. He could seal it!

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