Dark Blood Age

Chapter 162

Chapter 162

When Chu Yunsheng saw the monolith, his facial expression wasn’t any better than other people.

The monolith was about 100 meters high, 10 meters thick and 30 meters wide. It was pure black. But that was not the strangest. The strangest thing was that such a big object was actually levitating in the air!

Originally, some part of it was still buried underneath the ground. But when the GRD removed all the soil around it, they discovered that it was levitating in the air!

What was more shocking was that no matter what kind of machine they used to move it, it wouldn’t even move an inch as if it was locked in there.

It just floated there as if what happened to this world had nothing to do with it. Its dark surface was very smooth; there weren’t any marks, patterns, or symbols on it. It just looked like an ordinary black monument.

“We used all the methods we could think of to test it, but there were no reactions from it. In the beginning, we were scared that we might damage it, so we were very careful when doing the tests on it. Later on, we found out that no matter how we tried to break it, we still could not even cause a scratch on its surface!” Professor Sun sighed while touching the monolith.

“Bullets couldn’t make a scratch, bombs couldn’t make a dent, even the sharpest cutting machine we have couldn’t do anything to it! We tried to burn it, freeze it and use all kinds of dark warriors’ abilities on it, but it still had no reactions.”

“This thing was definitely not created by humans, Its existence is beyond anything we can understand, and even the new dark theory also cannot explain its existence!” professor Fang raised his head and looked at the top of the monolith. He was upset. He has been doing research for his entire life, but he still couldn’t explain what this was.

Chu Yunsheng originally thought that this thing might have some connections with the ancient book. It might even be the treasure that the senior practitioner left behind, but when he stood in front of the monolith, the book had no reaction at all.

“You can touch it, it’s material...” said Professor Sun.

Chu Yunsheng opened his hand and reached out. He gently put his palm on the monolith.


Chu Yunsheng was shocked! Everything around him had disappeared all of sudden!

He had this kind of feeling before; it just happened three days ago when he fought with “Min” over the control of his consciousness.

The only difference was that he was not dragged into a colourful tunnel this time. He could see every blood vessel and every Rong Yuan cell flowing inside his body.

Then a seemingly ancient and powerful force appeared on his palm. Instantly, he was pulled into an even more micro world.

In the vast and empty space, floated a long string of spiral objects that looked like a genetic sequence. The genetic sequence was glowing from the bottom to the top when the force reached it. Then he started to see more and more genetic sequences. Soon, all of them were covered by the force.

Then he was instantly “pulled up”, so many genetic sequences became smaller and smaller in “his eyes”. Soon, he saw a world that was filled with them.


Chu Yunsheng has totally lost his “freedom”. He couldn’t do anything, but see the scenes changing quickly in front of him until he once again arrived at that colourful tunnel.

All his memories gushed out in an instant, even the memory of the ancient book. However, the force completely ignored the existence of the book.

Compared to this force, Chu Yunsheng could clearly feel that the power of “Min” and the “ancient book” both were so minute!

He was going through the colourful tunnel in a great panic. When he reached the end of the tunnel, he finally saw the world once again. At that moment, his heart started to beat fast like never before.

He saw the sun!

Then he discovered another “him” below his “consciousness”.

He noticed that he was at the cemetery that he was familiar with.

Another “him” was on his knees sobbing next to a grave and his auntie’s family was standing next to him with sadness all over their faces.

He realized where this place was now. It was the place where he buried his parents. When he wanted to get close, the space around them suddenly distorted!

At the next moment, he was in a surgery room in a hospital.

This time, he saw a woman, who looked like his mom when she was young. She was lying on the bed, and a man, who looked like his father when he was young, was waiting anxiously outside the surgery room.

Suddenly, the sound of a baby crying appeared.

“It’s a boy! A boy!...”

When he wanted to take a close look. The space around him distorted once again...

A moment later, his surroundings were changed once again. He was in an old house, and the house belonged to his grandfather.

“Father, it’s all over the newspaper, the college entrance examination has been resumed! (1) Please let me try it! Please!” said a young man in a blue shirt, who looked like his father, but he seemed to be even younger and very skinny.

“No! Stay at the factory and focus on your job, I’ll find you a wife in two years time. It is much better than going to university! So stop thinking about it!” a middle-aged man, who looked like his young grandfather said sternly.


Then the space distorted once again!


“Overthrow Capitalism!”

“No more capitalists, throw away those useless ideas”(2)


“Mother (the person was actually calling the wife), did you throw away the book?” the young man, who looked like his younger grandfather, but even younger, asked nervously.

“Yes, don’t worry about it, no one will be able to find it. Why did your father keep this Fengjian material? Once it is found out by other people, we will be in deep trouble!...”(3)


Space was distorted and the scene changed again!


The city below him seemed to be old Jin Ling city, and the city was in chaos. There were many planes flying over the city, and all those planes had Japanese flags on it. (4)


“Father, (wife was calling her husband) run with our kids, they are coming, run... I can’t make it...” Chu Yunsheng did not recognize the woman and the man. However, he had a strange feeling that they were related to his grandfather.

“Jane, I will not go without you, they are animals!” said the man while carrying the woman on his back, and it seemed like the woman was dying.

“Father, why are you still carrying the book!...” Asked the kid, who was running behind the man.


Space was distorted and the scene changed again!


“It is said that there is going to be a reform! How dare they defy our ancestor’s rules!” said an old man who has a Queue (5) on his back, and he was sitting at the door and emptying his smoke pipe.

“Shopkeeper, please, don’t say it that loud, do you want to get arrested?” said a man, who looked like an employee.

Chu Yunsheng’s consciousness was linked to the employee. Probably this man was his great great grandfather. He thought.

“Xiao Chu, you have been working for me for almost three years now. Next year, your apprenticeship will be completed...”


Space was distorted and the scene changed again!


Chu Yunsheng slowly started to realize what was happening; it seemed like time was reversed and every time he would appear at a different time with someone, who was related to him by blood.... And those were all his ancestors!!!

He had been through several generations, and every time there was someone different.


“Enemy is coming! Run!...”

This time his ancestor was a soldier...


“I shall light incense to tell ancestors that we have finally found the book...!”

This time his ancestor seemed to be a government official in The Qing Dynasty.


Then the book was lost for several generations....


“Our king has passed away, it is a shame that our knowledge cannot be used to protect our country...”

This time, his ancestor was a scholar.


“Master, the harvest is not good this year!”

“Sigh! Where is Er Yatou? (the common nickname for the second daughter)”

“Master! bad news! Prince Yan has returned to the capital, he said that he will get rid of all the bad guys around the king!”

This time his ancestor was a landowner.


“Mongolians are also humans, I do not believe that we can’t kill them!”(6)

“But we are just regular civilians, let’s just head south...”

This time “he” was a refugee.


It seemed like time was just constantly going backwards....

Song dynasty(960- 1279)...

Then, Tang dynasty(618 -907)...

Sui dynasty (581-618)...


“Goddess Of Nine Heavens(7) has given us the heavenly book – The Dragon Chapters(8). We will win!”

“From today, we will be the son of Yanhuang(9)! ”


“Tribes! Tribes! Tribes!”


Then Chu Yunsheng saw an old man in a loose silk robe, standing on top of a hill, and a tribal native, who was wearing an animal’s fur was on his knees behind him.

“Cí Wú, I don’t have much time left, I am giving you a book that has all of my knowledge and skills. Please keep it safe. I am also leaving my bow to you. I hope that the bow will help you. But keep in mind that you can lose the bow, but you can never lose the book! I have already planted your blood inside the book... I have done everything I could. You may leave now!” said the old man.

Although they were saying something resembled ancient languages, since Chu Yunsheng’s consciousness was linked to the tribal native, he was also able to understand what the old man said.

The tribal native “Ci Wu” took over the book that looked exactly like the one he had and a bow and arrows from the old man. He kept kowtowing very hard until his head was bleeding!

Suddenly, the old man raised his head and stared at “Chu Yunsheng”

After a while, the old man let out a long sigh!


In the deep and vast galaxy, many gigantic space warships slowly “emerged” from the dark space...


And that was the last scene he saw. After that, the space around him suddenly was shrunk and compressed into a single line.

Chu Yunsheng’s body suddenly shook violently. Then he finally regained control of his consciousness. He has returned to the real world.

Professor Sun did not seem to have finished his words, “Its material... is very unique, nothing else on Earth is like it.”

Chu Yunsheng instantly pulled back his hand like he had an electric shock. Then he looked at his hand, but he did not find anything strange.

‘What was that?’ He was confused.

He felt like he had experienced the entire 5000 years of his ancestor’s lives, but in reality, time did not even move for a single second!

The monolith was still there, and it was still silent.

But when Chu Yunsheng tried to touch it one more time, nothing happened.


Footnote 1

In the early 1970s, Mao Zedong realized that internal political struggle had taken too big a toll on him as well as the nation and decided to resume the operation of universities. However, the students were selected based on political and family backgrounds rather than academic achievements. This practice continued until the death of Mao in September 1976. In late 1977, Deng Xiaoping, then under Hua Guofeng, the heir apparent of Mao, officially resumed the traditional examination based on academics, the National Higher Education Entrance Examination, which has continued to the present day.

Footnote 2

The famous slogan that people used during the chinese cultural revolution

Footnote 3

During Chairman Mao’s era, anyone, who was found with Fengjian material with them or in their house, would be publicly punished/executed.

more about fengjian can be read here.


Footnote 4

The time during the japanese invasion

Footnote 5

The time was during qing dynasty(1636 – 1912)


Footnote 6

It happened during the Mongol conquest of China


Footnote 7

Goddess Of Nine Heavens (Jiu Tian Xuan Nv)

In Chinese mythology, Jiutian Xuannü is the goddess of war, sexuality, and longevity. More at


Footnote 8

The Dragon Chapters is a heavenly book.

The Origin of Qi Men Dun Jia (奇门遁甲)

4600 years ago, Yellow Emperor (黃帝) – 2697 BC to 2597 BC) was fighting against a war with Chi-You (蚩尤), who had the capability to summon the wind and rain. It was said that his head was as strong as copper and arms are like iron (铜头铁臂) and able to win any wars.

During the battle, the Yellow Emperor knew he did not have the capability to defeat him. In desperation, Goddess of the nine heavens, Jiu Tian Xian Nu (九天玄女) sent him a Heavenly Book – Long Jia Shen Zhang – The Dragon Chapters (龙甲神章).

In addition to the method of building and making weapons, Long Jia Shen Zhang (龙甲神章) also documented the strategies of war and movement and deployment of soldiers.

At the same time, Feng Hou (风后) – The Prime Minister (宰相) Of Yellow Emperor, invented the the South Pointing Charot (指南车) and devised the Ba Zheng Tu (八阵图) – 8 Battle Arrays .

With the knowledge of Long Jia Shen Zhang (龙甲神章), the South Pointing Charot (指南车) and the battle formation of Ba Zheng Tu (八阵图), Yellow Emperor was able to win the war against Chi-You (蚩尤).

Later on, Yellow Emperor put Feng Hou (风后) to task to reorganize Long Jia Shen Zhang (龙甲神章) into 13 Chapters Of Art of War (兵法十三章) , 12 Chapters of Solitary Virtual Methods (孤虚法十二章) and 1080 Configurations of Qi Men Dun Jia (奇门遁甲一千零八十局).

More relevant story can be read


Footnote 9

Yan Huang was the name of an ethnic group of ancient China who inhabited the Yellow River basin area. They claimed their descent from the two tribes led by the Yan and Yellow Emperor’s. Their main achievement was to join together to strengthen the basis of the two tribes and their civilized community. The Yanhuang were the founders of the Chinese people and the initiators of Chinese culture.

More can be read here.


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