Heroes of Marvel

Chapter 975: The Powerful Defense of Base

Chapter 975: The Powerful Defense of Base

Scott was carefully concealed behind a cluster of tall grasses, confident that his small stature would keep him invisible from the opposing party. He whispered into the communication device, “Don’t worry, Dr. Pym. They won’t spot me just yet.”

However, just as he finished speaking, one of the soldiers suddenly turned his gaze toward Scott’s hiding place and spoke, “Hey! I can see you.”

Startled by the unexpected discovery, Scott exclaimed in shock, “Oh no! He can see me! He can hear me!” The young ant-sized hero was no longer confident in his ability to remain hidden and feared that his cover was blown.


As the two soldiers approached, their footsteps caused the ground to shake, and Scott could feel the tremors getting closer and closer. He was filled with a mixture of fear and uncertainty, but he knew he had to act fast.

In a split second, Scott made a bold decision, “Alright, let’s say hello to them. I’ll have to think on my feet.” And with that, Scott stepped out from his hiding place and bravely approached the two soldiers, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

Buzz buzz!

In an instant, Scott activated his Pym Particles and grew back to his normal size, which startled the two soldiers and caused them to draw their weapons, aiming directly at him.

“Whoa, whoa! I’m not a bad guy, I promise!” Scott frantically waved his hands, trying to calm the situation.

One of the soldiers, still wary of Scott’s sudden appearance, asked, “Then who are you?”

“I am Ant-Man,” Scott declared, trying to sound confident despite the weapons pointed at him.

However, the soldiers looked at each other blankly and responded, “Ant-Man? We’ve never heard of that.” Scott realized that he might have a difficult time explaining himself and his abilities to these unfamiliar soldiers.

“Uh, I’m here to save the world. You know, like Captain America and the others. I need a piece of high-tech equipment from your warehouse, and I’ll take it and go.” Scott stumbled through his explanation, feeling embarrassed by his own words.

The two soldiers in front of him stared at Scott, taken aback by his bold statement. They were familiar with Captain America and other heroes, but the ant-sized guy standing in front of them claiming to be a hero seemed far-fetched.

“Did he just introduce himself?” Dr. Pym asked with a dumbfounded expression on his face.

“Yes, he said he was Ant-Man.” Hope added with the same expression on her face.

Back at the underground laboratory in another city, Dr. Pym and Hope looked at each other in disbelief, wondering what Scott was up to this time.


“Frank, what’s the situation over there?” Just as Scott raised his hand to show that he meant no harm, the two soldiers received a call from Tony Stark.

In this altered scenario, it’s not Falcon who is sent to stop Ant-Man, but two well-armed soldiers instead. Since Tony has not fully joined SHIELD, Falcon has no obligation to help him guard the warehouse. But, the guards arranged by Tony himself were no less capable, as they were two of the Winter Soldiers that were recovered from a Hydra base in Siberia.

After freeing Lin Rui’s friend Tom from Hydra’s control, Tony has been working to rehabilitate the remaining Winter Soldiers. Now, except for one whose brain was severely damaged, the others are capable of living normal lives. However, with the passage of time and the changes in the world, they cannot simply return to their old lives.

At Tony’s suggestion, they joined his private team, evolving from the Hydra’s Winter Soldier to Iron Man’s Iron Man. Although they have not yet been granted the privilege of using Iron Man suits, they are equipped with Hoverboards and exoskeleton armor, making them nearly as formidable as Falcon.

“Mr. Stark, the intruder has been located and is being apprehended,” Frank replied promptly to Tony’s inquiry.

As he spoke, Frank and his companion approached Scott, their hands outstretched to grab him. But just as they were about to make contact, Scott suddenly shrank in size, slipping through their grasp and escaping into the grass.

“Hey! I already said I’m not a threat, why are you trying to arrest me?” Scott yelled, clearly upset with their actions.

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Ignoring Scott’s protests, the two warriors continued to pursue Scott as he scurried through the grass. With his Antman abilities to shrink and grow, Scott was forced to engage in his first formal battle with his opponents.


Pū Pū Pū!

As Dr. Pym and Hope watch the battle from a different angles, they can’t help but feel uneasy each time Scott is hit by the two warriors. Despite their desire to help, there seems to be no viable option for them at this time. Contacting SHIELD is no longer necessary as the misunderstanding has already taken place.

Another person observing the battle is Lin Rui, who is located in a different city. From the moment Scott broke into Tony’s secret base, Lin Rui was aware of what was to come. This is because Lin Rui played a role in the creation of the base by providing the blueprint of the E GRADE aerospace fighter.

“It seems that these recovered Winter Soldiers are performing well. They are now able to assist Tony in guarding the base,” Lin Rui thought as he monitored the situation through the communicator he left on Scott.

Despite not having the advantage of being able to shrink, Lin Rui remains vigilant about the battle between Scott and the two warriors.

“However, these two Winter Soldiers have not yet shown their full potential. Although Scott can cause double the damage while shrunk, he is unlikely to pose a significant threat to them. They can continue to hold him off. In the end, Scott will be captured soon enough. After all, Ant-Man’s suit doesn’t seem to have any special attacking weapons,” Lin Rui mused, recognizing Ant-Man’s limited offensive capabilities.


As expected, right after Lin Rui finished his thoughts, Scott grew larger from the ground and threw a punch at Frank, but was instantly caught by Frank with both fists. Frank then fired two beams of electromagnetic energy from the exoskeleton armor on his arms, which encased Scott’s arms.

“Shoot!” Scott cursed under his breath as he saw Frank’s actions. Being trapped by the electromagnetic energy would likely prevent Scott from shrinking any further.

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