Heroes of Marvel

Chapter 954: Return To Earth

Chapter 954: Return To Earth

This colored light beam that shot down through the clouds was Bifrost. After leaving Asgard, it traveled through the vast universe and arrived on Earth. Under Heimdall’s control, Bifrost descended directly on New York, near Thor’s apartment and Lin Rui’s home.

Of course, the arrival of Bifrost attracted the attention of not only ordinary people in New York but also those who understand its significance. Their attention to Bifrost is even stronger than the shock of ordinary people.

The head of SHIELD’s New York branch had already informed the SHIELD headquarters in Washington when the clouds of the Bifrost omen appeared. When Bifrost actually arrived, Captain America Rogers at the Washington headquarters was also aware of the situation.

Additionally, the New York SHIELD branch had already begun a live broadcast so that Rogers could see the arrival of Bifrost with his own eyes.

“Prepare the Quinjet and go to New York immediately!” Rogers ordered after seeing the arrival of Bifrost on the communication screen.

“Yes!” a soldier standing behind him replied loudly.

The underground base of the SHIELD headquarters quickly launched a Quinjet and it flew out of the open patio. A minute later, Rogers flew towards New York in the Quinjet.

While Rogers was rushing to New York from Washington, Tony, who was chatting with Pepper on the top floor of the Stark Industries building, put on his Iron Man suit. Despite Pepper’s helpless expression, Tony rushed out of the top floor of the Stark Industries building, heading towards the location where Bifrost had descended.


“Tony, be a hero, and don’t let me hold you back.” Pepper stood on the edge of the roof platform and she muttered to herself as she watched Tony’s disappearing figure in the sky.

In addition to Tony, other people who knew the significance of Bifrost also rushed to the location where it descended as quickly as possible, including Spiderman who had just returned home.

Of course, there were also many ordinary people who did not know what Bifrost represented and rushed to the location out of curiosity. The location where Bifrost descended was now attracting a large crowd.


Thor looked around, standing in the center of a circular imprint with magical characters on the grass in front of the apartment where he lived. The beam of Bifrost had lasted for about two seconds before disappearing, and the thick clouds in the high altitude had almost completely dissipated as well. It was just like the last time Bifrost had appeared.


“Ah! Finally back again to Earth!” Taking a deep breath and feeling the temperature and soft environment of the earth, Thor shouted a little excitedly.

Thor stepped out of the withered grass, which had been scorched by the energy of the Bifrost. As he looked around, he realized that Heimdall had teleported him next to his apartment on Earth. After so many Bifrost teleportations, this experience had been the best one for Thor. Perhaps it was due to the changes within himself.

“Ah! Aliens!!” Just as Thor walked out of the grass, a piercing scream suddenly reached his ears.

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Following the sound of the scream, Thor saw a young child around ten years old holding a football and staring at him in terror. It seemed that the little boy had witnessed the arrival of the Bifrost and Thor’s appearance, and was now screaming in fear.

If it hadn’t been for the news that London had been invaded by aliens a few days ago, the child might not have called Thor an alien upon seeing him emerge from the Bifrost, but rather a god.

“Shhhh! I’m not an alien!” Seeing that the little boy had no intention of stopping his shouting, Thor yelled at him helplessly. Of course, Thor is an alien, but he couldn’t reveal the truth at that moment, as it might have caused a crowd of people to gather around him. Thor didn’t want to become famous for this reason.

“Ah! Alien! Alien!” Seeing Thor approaching himself while talking, the little boy yelled and threw the football in his hand at Thor, and then ran away while shouting.


Tilting his head slightly to avoid the football thrown by the little boy, Thor watched helplessly as the child ran away. Of course, he couldn’t chase after him to explain his situation.

Thor could already feel that many people around him were rushing over, likely attracted by the Bifrost. It was already too late for Thor to try to hide. So, he quickly left the grass and turned to where the Bifrost had just descended, with a look of surprise on his face.

Da Da Da~

As soon as Thor made an expression, many spectators had already walked in from around the door of his apartment building. These people had come over after seeing the Bifrost, and everyone had a mix of curiosity and nervousness on their faces.

When they saw Thor standing on the edge of the grass, they simply looked at him and then looked at the circle that had been printed by the Bifrost energy. It seems that Thor’s acting skills were still good, as these people all seemed to think that Thor was just someone who had come to watch the spectacle like them.

“Hey! Dude, did you see anything?” As the crowd approached, a man leaned over Thor and asked.

“Uh, it was nothing. It was already like this when I arrived.” Hearing what the man said, Thor replied with a controlled expression.

“Is that so?”

Just as everyone was discussing the disappearing circular mark, a police team arrived on the scene. After the nearby crowd of spectators gathered around, the police finally rushed over.

The police clearly attached a lot of importance to the appearance of the Bifrost this time. As soon as they arrived, they immediately set up a cordon and separated the spectators. Although the circular imprint was dissipating, they still needed to protect the scene.


Just as the police set up the cordon, a red figure descended from a high altitude. As it approached the ground, it dropped sharply before landing firmly inside the cordon set up by the police.

Seeing this sudden appearance, the surrounding spectators became excited, and the police didn’t express any dissatisfaction with the person who had broken into the cordoned-off area.

“Iron Man!!”

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