Heroes of Marvel

Chapter 876: Space Transmission Gate Formation!

Chapter 876: Space Transmission Gate Formation!


Evans was very excited as he stood on the Hoverboard with a soldier from the newly established mobile team at SHIELD headquarters, and felt the strong air passing by.

“I don’t know what kind of soldiers will be selected for the mobile team. Even the fighters from the S Team and the K Team don’t have strong combat power!” Evans thought as he tried to make his posture more comfortable on the Hoverboard.

K and S Squad are the most powerful squads in SHIELD. It was normal for them to be strong, after all, they are equipped with the latest high-tech equipment.

Moreover, the main mission of the S and K Squad is to cooperate with powerful people like Captain America to fight against the enemy, and now it exists as an auxiliary role of the Avengers.

However, the positioning of the newly formed mobile team is different at the beginning. They do not exist to enhance the combat effectiveness of Avengers against the enemy.

As a team with mobile ability as its main combat mode, the role of the mobile team is actually more as free men on the battlefield, to carry out the biggest tactical attack and harassment on the enemy, to support their own side, and so on.

Moreover, the Soldiers selected for the mobile team are fortified with OsCorp’s new Titan series genetic enhancement Serum. Even if they did not have that high-tech equipment, they are strong enough to rush into the battlefield.

As the first group to arrive in downtown London, the mobile unit with less than 30 people can see the energy fluctuations in the space in front of them.


And when Evan saw the area in front of him that was shrouded in strong space energy, a huge space crack suddenly appeared in the middle of the sky. Then, the space crack that ripped apart the space barrier quickly expanded, creating a portal.

“The portal is opening! It is also many times bigger than before!” Evan’s eyes widened as he exclaimed at the rapidly expanding crack in the air.

“Pay attention Agent, We are going to speed up.” A calm reminder came from the side as the soldier who was operating the Hoverboard spoke.

“Uh!…Got it!” Evans quickly agreed when he heard the reminder.



The moment Evans finished answering, the Hoverboard under his feet spurted out more firepower, and the huge thrust carried the Hoverboard and the two people to the center of London.

In the rear of this mobile unit, SHIELD’s main force followed closely, and various mechanized teams rushed from the avenue in the heart of London to the location where the space portal appeared. If the civilians in this area had not been evacuated, and the official forces in London had cooperated, this action of SHIELD would have had a great impact.

And in the rear of this mobile force, large forces from SHIELD also followed. A variety of mechanized teams rushed into the heart of London and to the location of the Portal. If it were not for the fact that the civilians in this area have been evacuated, and the local forces are helping SHIELD, this action of SHIELD would have had a great impact.

However, the extraterrestrial invasion was imminent, and the location of the invasion was in the British capital, London. The people at the highest level in the United Kingdom are so unhappy but they could do nothing but allow the specialized forces of SHIELD to rush into their country with full force.

As a small country, the UK does not have a strong-armed force of its own, so they would have to rely on SHIELD in the event of a major global crisis. SHIELD doesn’t belong to any country on Earth anyway, it’s just that the United States has given soldiers and resources to SHIELD but the United Kingdom has also provided a lot of financial aid to SHIELD.


The three Sorcerers, who were standing by the floor-to-ceiling windows of the third-floor building near the area, have disappeared as the crack in the mid-air space grows. They were now standing on the top floor of a ten-story building in front of an almost palpable crack in space.

“I wonder why the Ancient One didn’t take care of this problem if he knew about it in advance. Why wait till they come here?” One of the sorcerers muttered in confusion as he looked at the space crack.

“I don’t know. But the Ancient One must have his reasons for doing this. Maybe he wants these guys on Earth to see the power of the Alien Invaders and open their eyes to a wider universe.” The first sorcerer standing next to him responded.

“It’s possible! Or we wouldn’t have been hiding in the dark!”

“They seem to have come! Let’s take a look at the situation first and take action at the critical moment.”

“The critical moment …… I’m really worried that they won’t be able to hold on to that point.”


Then, a golden light flashed on the roof of the building, and the three sorcerers disappeared. It seemed that they are hiding themselves using magic.


The three sorcerers guarding the London Sanctum disappeared from the roof, and when the SHIELD mobile force, which was still a few hundred meters away, had rushed over, the space crack in the air had gradually expanded to form a very large and stable Portal.

Swoosh Swoosh!

The portal had barely taken shape, and already dozens of missiles of varying power and variety were hurtling towards it. The three Sorcerers can wait for the portal to be fully formed, and for the invaders on the other side to move in. But SHIELD certainly won’t. To minimize the potential threat to Earth, it’s best to destroy the portal before it takes shape.


The next moment, those dozens of missiles exploded in mid-air one after another. Whether it was a conventional fire missile, an electromagnetic wave bomb, or a missile with extreme ice-cold energy, all of them exploded in this instant at the location of the space portal, and all kinds of chaotic energy shock waves swept around!


“Did it work?!” Evan asked as he saw the first round of attack.

“I don’t think so. After all, it is a space force. However, it would be good if it can have a little effect.” Hearing Evans’s words, the Soldier riding with him replied.

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