Heroes of Marvel

Chapter 498 Seizes Power

Chapter 498 Seizes Power

There were at least fifteen people in front of Killian who had just rushed into the laboratory. Except for Maya Hansen and the two guys who were obviously researchers, the remaining dozen people all had the red light of Extremis flashing throughout their bodies.

They were all Extremis fighters! However, except for three of them, Killian couldn’t perceive the existence of the remaining Extremis fighters from outside. This means that Killian has no control over these Extremis fighters.

“Maya Fucking Hansen! What the hell are you doing?!” The bad premonition in his heart became stronger and stronger, and Killian rushed towards Maya Hansen and asked loudly.

Being able to do tricks in Extremis Serum to get these newly transformed Extremis fighters out of his control, this kind of thing can only be done by Maya Hansen except for Killian but he would never do that. If these uncontrolled Extremis fighters suddenly rioted, it would be a disaster for Killian.

“What? Of course, it is to expand the scale of the Extremis fighters. Can’t you see it?” Faced with Killian’s angry questioning, Maya Hansen was not as scared as before and replied calmly.

Before Maya said that Killian was a lunatic but what she forget to mention was that she herself was a lunatic of the highest order. In order to show her achievements to the world, she has ignored anything.

“Expand the size of the Extremis fighters?! Where did you come up with so many subjects?... You?! Mandarin?! Are you guys!...” Hearing Maya’s answer and seeing her looking so peaceful, Killian became angrier and he began to further question her but halfway through his questions, Killian suddenly understood something.

Because the volunteers on Killian’s side are almost consumed, the Subjects for the Extremis fighters were provided by Mandarin. But there were only three subjects given to Killian, but there are a dozen on Maya’s side. This comparison made Killian understand something at once.

Maya Hansen, a genius botanist is not much worse than Killian and it looked like she has reached a secret agreement with Mandarin. These newly transformed Extremis fighters are no longer under Killian’s control. Perhaps their control is now in Mandarin’s body.

“You are not too stupid yet, so I ask you now Killian, what are you going to do?” Seeing the change in Killian’s expression, Maya Hansen no longer hides her own, and smiled and asked Killian.

Maya was indeed Killian’s subordinate before, but she has been dissatisfied with Killian’s various crazy plans for a long time now. This time, Killian’s failure in his attack against Iron Man Tony·Stark was a very good opportunity for Maya.

Through the secret contact with Mandarin, Maya has now completely shaken off Killian’s control on the new Extremis fighters. There are indeed many Extremis fighters in Killian’s hands, but Maya now has her own. She no longer looks at Killian’s face with fear as she did before, she now jas the power to be her own person.

“Maya Hansen!...you!” Killian couldn’t believe what he heard, he stared angrily at Maya and his eyes slowly turned red.


However, when Killian utilized the Extremis in his body to attack Maya, the several Extremis fighters standing behind Maya all stopped in front of her while blankly looking at Killian.

In terms of rank and power, Killian is higher than these Extremis fighters, but he cannot control these Extremis fighters, and it is impossible for him to fight against so many Extremis fighters alone. Even adding the three Extremis fighters who can still be controlled by him, he has no chance of winning.


After scanning the Extremis soldier in front of him several times, the red light in Killian’s eyes slowly extinguished. He admitted that he underestimated Maya Hansen, and if Killian was given another chance, he would rather kill Maya like the bitch she is even if he couldn’t study the perfect Extremis.

“Haha, don’t be so nervous. It is a good thing that you have reached an agreement with Mandarin, otherwise, he will not always provide us with so many subjects.” Knowing that things are out of his control, the expression on Killian’s face changed and he spoke with a smile on his face.

He is not an idiot, he had realized that he will lose here so he spoke instead of attacking Maya. As for what he thought in his heart, no one could know.

Seeing the instant change in Killian’s expression, Maya was a little surprised, but she had expected this. If it weren’t for Killian’s control over a lot of Extremis fighters, Maya would have directly killed Killian and become in charge of this project.

But the current situation is good for now, at the very least, Killian will be useful in attracting Tony’s attention. Also, didn’t Killian always feel very upset about what Tony did to him back then, so she will let him continue to deal with Tony.

“That is correct.” With a wave of her hand, Maya withdrew the Extremis fighter standing in front of her and responded with a smile.

“Then, Maya, tell me, how has your experiment progressed?” Next, Killian started discussing the optimization of Extremis with Maya as if he was doing business, and his anger cannot solve the problem.

“Of course there is some progress. The stability problem of Extremis has been basically solved. I think you have also solved it. However, did you encounter any difficulty in the next biological structure deformation?” Turning back to her work, Maya replied while walking back to her table.

“Yes, I have indeed encountered some problems with the Biological deformation. It seems to cause the originally stable Extremis to undergo an unstable collapse, and finally cause the Extremis fighter to become a simple bomb.” Following Maya, Killian truthfully stated the problem he had just encountered.

“I have also encountered this problem here, but it has basically been solved. The reason why the biological deformation causes the Extremis collapse is that the human body and the reconstructed biological structure are not truly compatible with each other, and I have just solved it.” Maya said lightly without looking back at Killian.

“En!? How did you solve it?” Killian was very surprised when Maya said she had already solved the problem. The incompatibility of this powerful biological structure modified by Extremis with the human body is very normal, but it is also very difficult to solve this incompatibility. Killian had not believed that Maya will find a solution so quickly.

“Wait a little and you will be able to watch it. As for how I solved it, I just needed to diverge my thinking.” Knowing that Killian behind her must be very surprised that she has completed the final optimization of Extremis, Maya’s mouth curled slightly as she spoke.

Then, Maya, who had walked to the test bench, threw a tablet directly towards Killian.


Taking the tablet, Killian glanced at it quickly, and then he became attracted by the special piece of DNA sequence inside of it.

“This is the DNA sequence of Mutants?!” Looking at the DNA sequence carefully, Killian raised his head to look at Maya and asked seriously.

“As I said, I just needed to diverge my thinking, and a lot of things were solved.”

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