Heroes of Marvel

Chapter 390 Perseverance

Chapter 390 Perseverance

Hearing what Rogers said, Lin Rui was a little bit stunned but he quickly reacted. It turned out that Rogers was still thinking about the unfound Bucky Barnes, Hydra’s previous Winter Soldier.

Mirage Knight and Captain Rogers had already finished talking about Hydra and Infinity Stone, and even Mirage Knight’s own plan to establish the Earth Federation and he has also talked to Captain Rogers about the matter of the World Security Council. He also thought that Rogers should be concerned about these matters even if he had any doubts, but he didn’t expect him to ask about Winter Soldiers in the end.

“Yes, in that battle, Hydra also dispatched several Winter Soldiers. I didn’t kill them as I wanted to catch them. I have locked them in this secret base.” Mirage Knight did not conceal anything from Captain Rogers and answered truthfully.

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Hearing Lin Rui’s answer, Captain Rogers’s mood clearly fluctuated. Just now Mirage Knight had told him about Infinity Stone and the establishment of the Earth Federation and Roger was also shocked, but it was completely different from his current mood changes.

“Are they … the same as Bucky? Do they have no previous memories, are they just some killing machines of Hydra?” Rogers asked while unconsciously tightening his fists as he suppressed his emotions and calm himself down.

“Yes, they have been brainwashed. Compared with Colonel Bucky Barnes, these people are brainwashed on a deep level and now I can only shut them up temporarily, I am waiting to see if I can find a way to help them find their previous memories after eliminating Hydra.” Mirage Knight sighed silently in response to Rogers’ nervous expression and answered.

Since Hydra can brainwash these people, then there should be a special method that they use to restrain these Winter Soldiers, otherwise, Tom will not insist on completing his mission after being captured. As far as Lin Rui knows, Bucky’s control method is recorded in a small book, which is a series of special Russian words that can make Bucky go crazy.

Moreover, when Hydra was cleared out of SHIELD a few months ago, Lin Rui asked JARVIS to help intercept some of the materials that contained the whereabouts of the small book. Now, Lin Rui has already obtained the seemingly insignificant important item and has avoided the bad things that Bucky would unwillingly do when someone got the book in the future.

If Tom and his upgraded Winter Soldiers are controlled the same way as Bucky, then Lin Rui can experiment with the words in that small book, but he hasn’t had time to do it yet. However, Lin Rui thinks that it should be unlikely. Since they are an upgraded version of Winter Soldiers, their control method should have been improved. Lin Rui always finds it unbelievable that one can control these Super Fighters with some special words.

“Do you know their identity? I know you have a friend who was captured by Hydra before. Are you keeping them here because of him?” Rogers asked after hearing Mirage Knight’s words. Although it was a question, Rogers was very sure about the answer to his last question.

Lin Rui’s eyes flashed as he didn’t know when he had exposed the news that his friend was captured by Hydra, maybe he had accidentally expressed it before. But it doesn’t matter anymore, now Tom has been caught by Lin Rui, and he has the chance to recover.

“We already know a few of their identity, I also took photos and videos of their family members to stimulate their memories, but the results are not very good. I think the key is still in Hydra’s brainwashing method, and the best way to solve this problem is to get it from them.” With a nod, Mirage Knight answered seriously.

“So … do you have any news about Bucky? I know you have no obligation to help me find Bucky, but I haven’t found him yet.” Staring at Mirage Knight’s eyes in the mask, Rogers suddenly changed the subject and asked about Bucky’s whereabouts.

Of course, Lin Rui was already prepared for this question from Rogers. When Rogers started asking those Winter Soldiers he caught, Lin Rui knew that Rogers would ask about his friend.

“No, Colonel Bucky Barnes has completely disappeared after leaving Hydra, and I have no news of him. However, if you have not been able to find him, I suggest you go to some remote countries, such as Wakanda.” Shaking his head, Lin Rui said he didn’t know where Bucky was now.

However, Lin Rui, who remembered the plot, still gave Rogers a clue, that is, Wakanda, the hometown of Black Panther in Marvel World, a rich and remote country. Although he is not sure about the current timeline and plot but this is the most important reminder that Lin Rui can give to Rogers. If Bucky is really hiding in Wakanda, it would be Rogers’ luck. If Bucky is not there then Lin Rui can’t do anything. He can only find him later.

Lin Rui was also worried that Bucky’s killing of Tony’s parents would be exposed and when that time comes, there will be a battle between Tony and Rogers, but now Lin Rui has no time to manage this. Hydra needs to be destroyed first. In the process, Lin Rui will destroy their Siberia branch and Bucky’s data will not be leaked.

Although this seems unfair to Tony as he may never know the truth about his parents’ death but Lin Rui feels that there is no need to let Tony go through that sorrow. Finding the culprit who killed his parents may not be good for him. Now that Tony has changed from being a playboy to being a responsible hero, Lin Rui does not want him to bear the burden of revenge because of the death of his parents.

“Wakanda?!” Rogers’ face was filled with surprise when he heard Mirage Knight’s words.

Originally, Rogers only asked Mirage Knight this question with a hint of hope, because Lin Rui had already told him that he did not know Bucky’s whereabouts. But this time, Lin Rui gave him a destination, although he was very uncertain but at least he now got a direction.

In addition to this, Rogers was also surprised by the name of the country, Wakanda. In SHIELD’s records, Wakanda is a very special country. Although this country is small, it is very affluent and it produces many rare items, including the material that created Captain Rogers’s Shield: Vibranium.

“Thank you, Mirage Knight, I will always remember your help!” After sorting out his excitement, Captain Rogers said seriously.

“I also want to thank Captain for supporting my plan. After all, not everyone has the courage to do so. Also, if our plan is successful, SHIELD will still need you to control it.” Thanking Rogers, Lin Rui replied with a smile.

“Relax, I was born during World War II, and I was very skilled in some things.” Rogers also smiled back when he heard Lin Rui’s words. At the beginning of World War II, in order to recruit troops, the experimentally successful Rogers was directly sent to the whole country for recruiting activities. He is also well trained in some diplomatic and other methods.

Then, Captain Rogers had to leave. Although he avoided SHIELD’s agents, it was better to go back earlier so as not to attract some unwanted attention. Before leaving, Peter leaned over to Rogers’s side and asked for several autographs as well as some selfies.

“Goodbye, Mirage Knight, I look forward to the success of our plan.”

“Yes, Captain Rogers.”

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