Behind the wheel of the red Lykan Supersport was none other than Davies. He had made his way here as fast as he could after getting the call from Tisha about what had happened. 

Not that he cared they much about Romero, Tisha\'s little brother, but the stakes around him disappearing were too high and his disappearance itself was downright strange.

It was obvious from what he had heard about the case that the boy had been kidnapped and it was not just any random kidnapping, but rather it had been planned well.

What was even more interesting was that the kidnapping happened when the whole city experienced a sudden blackout. 

Was this part also planned, or was it just a coincidence?

He couldn\'t tell which was correct, and while one of those possibilities could be the right one and one was way scarier than the other, for now, it didn\'t change the fact that the kidnapping had happened at a time that made it almost impossible to track since all the security systems, including every security camera in the city, wasn\'t working at the time of the kidnapping.

Even now, the electricity hadn\'t come back on, so he still couldn\'t even begin looking for traces that could help him find the kid.

A heavy sigh left his lips as he took his keys and stuffed them into his pockets before pushing open the door and getting out.

He couldn\'t afford to be careless and unconcerned about this issue as firstly, he would not rather have Tisha turn into a raving mad, blood-thirsted villain that was only after revenge and slaughter instead of being under his control... This situation could ruin all his plans if he wasn\'t careful.

Also, since the kid had a very high fate value, there was always the chance that he could be against him in the future so Davies preferred to have him in his sights and whoever kidnapped him was messing that part up.

Davies couldn\'t have that happening so he would do his best to find him.

He picked up the pace and made his way into the hospital following the directions of Tisha and he soon found her, but she wasn\'t alone, the big busty beauty called Teresa who was also on the Beta Squad of the Imperium Troops was also there with Tisha.

Davies already knew that Teresa was like a big sister to Tisha so he wasn\'t all that surprised or concerned that she was here as well.

His arrival elicited different reactions from the two women. Teresa simply smiled a little while Tisha rushed and hugged him and he could tell from her trembling body that not finding her brother really did a number on her.

He was not very good at comforting people but he did not push her away and patted her hair a few times to try and calm her down. 

After a few minutes, Tisha seemed to have caught herself a little bit and pulled away from Davies.

"It was here that it happened, right?" Davies asked pointing to the open door that led to a room that no longer had a wall and led directly outside the building.

"Yes, it is... It seems he was taken by a Mega," Teresa took on answering Davies\'s question since Tisha wasn\'t in the state of mind to do any investigative or technical thinking.

"I see," Davies answered as he stepped into the room and looked around carefully, looking for any distinct traces that could help him to find information about the culprit behind the kidnapping.

The walk was busted open, but there weren\'t any traces of charred bricks, or water or any other elemental traces for that matter.

Davies frowned, it seemed like the person who had done this was either a weaponizer or transformer who had attacked directly with brute force... Or maybe an Elementalist that used wind since it was not an element that would leave traces, but from seeing the distribution of things in the room and how non-scattered they were, he shelved the idea of the culprit being a wind elemental.

The room would have been more scattered if it had been a wind elementalist because for the wind attack to be strong enough to blast the wall apart then it would have enough power to send everything in the room flying, but seeing how they hadn\'t really moved much from their positions, it was safe to shelf that idea.

"So a weaponizer or a transmorpher, huh?" he muttered.

\'But even if it was a weaponizer, it had to be someone who used dull weapons,\' he thought as he walked towards the opening in the wall and looked down at the ground.

The room he was looking out of was three stories tall, he noted that as well.

"For him to be able to make the jump, get into the room, and kidnap the kid without making a sound, he had to be pretty powerful, at least 3rd level..." he muttered but as he looked around the room, his estimation went up.

The job seemed to have been too easy for the assailant no matter who he was, so Davies also thought that the assailant could be someone in the 4th level, but at the same time he doubted whether any 4th level Mega would be so free to kidnap a child that was not even ten years of age. 

That was the whole thing that threw him off about this matter.

Why exactly was Romero even the target of a kidnapping in the first place? 

He already knew that the kid wasn\'t that simple as he had been able to activate his blessing even before he became ten years of age which was something even Davies hadn\'t been able to do, so Davies more than anyone knew that he was worth kidnapping, but...

Nobody should have known anything about that as it just happened yesterday according to what Yisha told him, so why was he targeted the very next day?

Could the kidnapper have some way of finding out something like that? 

Also, why was the timing of the kidnapping so coincidental?

Davies wasn\'t willing to believe that the kidnapping had happened so coincidentally. He didn\'t believe in coincidences so something like this wasn\'t a coincidence which meant that there were only two ways they had managed to match the time of the kidnapping to the time when a blackout was to occur.

The first way was for the assailant to have somehow fallen upon the information that Romero had activated his blessing and he had decided to kidnap him for some reason that Davies couldn\'t even speculate about, or...

The assailant knew someone or was someone who could see this kind of thing ahead of time... 

[Are you insulating that the assailant knew someone or was someone who can see the future?] Miya\'s voice interrupted his chain of thoughts.

\'... Yes, that\'s exactly what I\'m insinuating,\' Davies replied and felt a cold shiver run down his back. 

He knew before he thought about it that it was a scary idea to have, but he also knew that it was a plausible idea.

[Do you even think that is possible?] Miya asked but was apprehensive of the idea.

\'Well, it\'s not impossible, is it?" he directed the question back at her but didn\'t receive a response as they both knew that it was not impossible for someone to have this kind of ability in this world. 

There was no ability that one could not have in the form of a blessing.

Davies also had a blessing with attributes that would be considered impossible to have, and this was all the more reason why he knew that someone having the ability to foresee the future wasn\'t impossible.

Well, this was quite an alarming situation. 

If the assailant really did have a way of knowing the future, then such a person would be a troublesome opponent and it would be best to kill someone like that off.

Such people were too dangerous to even keep as companions. If Davies ever even found someone willing to work for him and the person has such an ability, Davies wasn\'t sure he would not kill such a person immediately, after all, though someone who could peek into the future would be very useful, he would be even more annoying as he could find out things he wasn\'t supposed to know as long as he had half a brain.

Due to him having too much to hide, such a person would probably cease to have a head as long as they met.

After thinking all this, he turned to the two women who were behind him and asked, 

"Did you guys see or hear anything strange since then," he asked, wanting to know if he had missed anything. 

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