Chapter 101 CHAPTER 101: VICTORY

Lee Jung\'s mind was in a mess after Davies\'s black Cesla sped past the finish line and he could only drive to the finish line dejectedly, knowing he had lost the race. His mood worsened even further when he thought about the things he had on the line.

The loss of ten million was nothing much to him since he now had a system, but the loss of his reputation from losing the race, and the fact that he hadn\'t been able to beat Davies even after going to so much effort to provoke him, only served to fan the flames of his fury.

Somewhere in the depths of his mind, his instincts screamed desperately at him that something hadn\'t been right during the race and that there must have been foul play somewhere, as it was completely abnormal for someone like Davies to be able to defeat him at a race, especially as he had the "god of driving" skill.

Unfortunately, there was no evidence of foul play that he could see so he could only keep quiet and try to look for the evidence of foul play himself. He almost lost control of his irrationality, but luckily he managed to hold on and didn\'t get out of the car and start shouting at Davies and accusing him of cheating.

He had already learned from previous experiences that Davies didn\'t take lightly to excessive annoyances and he didn\'t want to be at the business end of sharp ice projectiles again today, or any day for that matter.

Since he had already handed over the ten million that would be given to Davies who had won, he had no reason to step out of the car or to meet anybody.

He\'d rather not have to see Davies celebrating his victory over him. The very idea of doing such a thing angered him to no end, so he began to drive away angrily, no longer caring about the racing scene.

\'It\'s time to focus on that mission,\' Lee Jung thought to himself as he drove away. He had gotten a mission which upon completion, the system would help him to activate his blessing of the cataclysm. His mind gradually filled up with the thoughts of what he would do to Davies after activating his blessing and becoming a Mega like him.

eαglesnᴏνel **Back at the Race Track**

Davies had just driven past the finish line and won the race when he noticed Lee Jung\'s car pass the finish line  and drive past him. It seemed he was heading away from the racing scene and didn\'t want to have to deal with the after-effects of his loss to Davies.

\'Too bad,\' Davies sighed to himself. He wanted to try to see if he could make him lose more fate points by rubbing his victory in his face, but Lee Jung ran away before he could do so.

[Successfully face-slapped a fated one and caused him to lose 70 fate points]

[Successfully caused a loss in reputation of a fated one and caused him to lose 200 fate points]

[Successfully interrupted the opportunity of a fated one and caused him to lose 1000 fate points]

Three notifications from Davies\'s system rang into his ear and jumped into his line of view, ensuring he saw his actions\' effects.

\'Huh?\' Davies raised an eyebrow in shock and surprise, there was also a confused gleam in his eyes. 

The three sudden notifications were quite unexpected and harvested more fate points from Lee Jung than ever before, but even though they were unexpected, they weren\'t the reason for Davies\'s shock, surprise, and confusion.

Davies\'s surprise, shock, and confusion stemmed from the fact that he didn\'t know when he had interrupted an opportunity of Lee Jung. Also, it seemed the opportunity must be quite big for it to cause Lee Jung to lose that many fate points from just having the opportunity being interrupted by Davies and not from him outright stealing the opportunity.

At first, he still didn\'t understand what the opportunity could be, but after thinking for a while, he concluded that the opportunity probably had to do with the cheeky redhead with high fate value, Fiona Lecroy.

Since she had enough fate value to be a future member of Lee Jung\'s harem and was also from the great Lecroy family, she was the only likely person that could hold an opportunity that would affect Lee Jung\'s fate value that much… unless there was another person among the crowd that held such an opportunity, but he doubted it.

These kinds of plots were usually straightforward and usually had no such mysterious twists. 

What he thought to be the correct scenario was that Fiona Lecroy had probably come over to the racing for some reason(he obviously didn\'t know her reason for coming), and would have ended up watching a scene where Lee Jung triumphed over him in a race, and would have been impressed by him and would try to get closer to him, and from there, fate would do its magic and make her fall uncontrollably for him and from there, anybody with half a brain could guess what would happen next…

But, since he had tampered with things a bit and ended up winning the race, Fiona probably had a better impression of him than Lee Jung, and coupled with the fact that Lee Jung just drove off, not bothering to accept his loss or try to make amends, her impression of him had dropped even lower. 

It had dropped to the point that it was considered that their fate with each other had been shaken and that was what he was his system had recognized as interrupting an opportunity.

This was what Davies thought, but as an overly paranoid person who didn\'t trust even himself to be right, he asked Miya to scan the vicinity for anybody with an abnormal fate value. Whether it be a higher fate value than normal or an abnormal dark fate value, he wanted to know to be sure whether his thoughts had been correct.

A few seconds later, Miya had scanned as far as she could but did not detect any fate value different from the norm, so she reported her findings to Davies, easing his mind.

Now that Davies\'s mind had been eased off of his worries and he had been able to conclude the various things that had happened in the last few seconds, his attention now went to Tisha who was doing a weird dance movement as she sat while singing,

"We won, we won, we won," she sang with her two hands outstretched forward and clenched in a fist. She threw her fisted hands and moved her upper body in a circular motion as she sang happily.

Davies just watched with his mouth slightly open as he didn\'t know what to make of the situation. One would think she had a grudge against Lee Jung with the way she was doing a dance that seemed mockful for some reason as she chanted happily.

What Davies didn\'t know was that Tisha did harbor a slight grudge against Lee Jung. She disliked him because he had thrown himself into their matters twice today, making sure to annoy Davies and put him in a terrible mood, disturbing their time together.

In the end, Davies didn\'t interrupt her little victory dance, even though she had very little contribution to the victory. A slight smile even appeared on his face as he pushed open the door of the car and came out.

The loud cheers from the crowd reminded him of his first victory against a protagonist, and even though it was just a small win in the whole grand scheme of things, he stood tall and didn\'t demean himself or try to dampen his good mood.

After all, one had to start from somewhere, right? Even Rome wasn\'t built in a day.

Tisha also came out of the car and jumped on him, hugging onto his body like a koala as she somehow felt his mood become lighter and knew this was one of the few times she could get away with jumping on him, so she didn\'t waste the opportunity and held on tight to him.

Davies was a bit surprised at her proactive actions, but due to his light mood and the feeling of her soft mounds pressed against his body, he decided not to complain about it. It was mostly because of his light mood and not really about the soft shapely lumps of flesh that he was feeling on his skin that he made no movements to pry her away from his body.

\'It seems she likes being cuddly,\' he thought as his hand slowly came up and towards her back and finally went to her hair, he slightly patted her head, slowly running his hand along the surface of her hair.

As they had their moment, Davies noticed a few people coming towards him, one of which was Fiona Lecroy. Her flaming red hair slowly rustled due to the wind, bus as she walked towards him, he noticed a slight hint of a frown on her face, which left him a little confused as he wondered the reason for the frown.

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