Spending My Retirement In A Game

Chapter 333 - Three Golems

"Hmm... What’s that? Gar... no, Grardour? What’s that supposed... to..." Eisen muttered to himself, and all of a sudden, a sharp pain overwhelmed Eisen’s head and he nearly dropped to the ground because he suddenly lost his balence, when the memories of the last dream he had came rushing back to him.

"Grardour... He told me to remember that word, but what..." Eisen asked in a quiet whisper as he slowly managed to regain his composure. And then, once more, a feeling of ecstacy rushed into Eisen’s mind, but now that Eisen had a point to focus on, he managed to defend against it. There still seemed to be a light haze entering his mind that made it hard for him to take himself seriously, but he at the very least didn’t completely think that what he was talking about what ridiculous.

And another thing happened. The red notification stopped flickering as violently, although it still stayed in the corner of Eisen’s sight, but he was able to somewhat ignore it now and just tried to at the very least act as if his head hadn’t been influenced again. He had no idea what was going on, but he couldn’t just freak out over what might be nothing after all.

And so, Eisen simply leaned back against the wall and began to whistle a happy tune, trying to just pretend as if he was overly happy all of a sudden, and then, when the cloth was finished, Eisen quickly grabbed it and rolled it up before bringing the mixture of three different types of string back to the Dungeon.

After laying the cloth out on one of the Magic worktables Eisen created afterward, he swiftly tried to just cut through it, even if it seemed to be relatively tough to do so. That was to be expected though, considering that it had steel-thread mixed into it. But even then, that seemed to just make it a little tougher, so Eisen could swiftly move on and then quickly prepared the few pieces of cloth that he needed for the Golems.

For the Damage-Dealer, it was really just the hood that needed a little cloth, while the Supporter had some cloth-parts in the sides of the metallic-robes and inbetween the different rings that made those robes up.

And with the help of some Mana-Thread, Eisen was able to very easily just sew the pieces of cloth onto the metal base that were the Golems’ bodies.

Once all of the cloth parts were added to the nearly 100% Metallic Golems, Eisen just couldn’t help himself but grin broadly. They looked beautiful in his opinion, and that was basically the only word that he could think of that could properly describe them.

But even then, these Golems weren’t finished just yet, and were still missing their finishing-touch. First, Eisen began with the Tank-Golem, and grabbed one of his Mythril needles before sitting down in front of the huge metallic body, slowly setting the tip of the needle against the chest around the spot where the Golem Core would be placed later on, slowly getting started on the enchantments. And so, Eisen gave the Golem a Fullbody-Enchantment that was able to strengthen its body and its defense.

On its blade, it got some enchantments that were meant to simply increase the damage of it, while its shield got enchantments that were meant to increase the possible defense. But that wasn’t all, considering that Eisen still had a reason to place the different gems on the weapon and shield, for which he called his Knight and Brody’s companion Horan over to him. With an excited smile, Eisen swiftly enchanted all some of the gems on the blade with Kiron’s Giant-Greatswordsmanship, and some of the gems on the Tower Shield with Horan’s Tower-Shield Arts. And after thanking especially the latter of his two helpers, because Eisen didn’t really know him all that well yet, he moved on to another enchantment that he wanted to place into the two large gems that he placed on both the Tower Shield and the Greatsword.

An enchantment that was inspired by what one of his Apprentices created. After placing his palm on top of the gems, Eisen created three-dimensional enchantments that would allow thick layers of rock to grow around the shield and sword for further fortification.

And then, to top it all off, Eisen filled the carvings of the enchantments in with mana crystals that have been combined with the leftover Earth-Enchanted Earth-Gems. Evalia would later try to paint over them, so that they wouldn’t be visible normally, but when active during combat would end up glowing lightly.

Next, Eisen moved on to the Damage-Dealer Golem, and began to work on the next fullbody enchantment. Onto its legs, Eisen added enchantments meant specifically for speed and filled them in with Mana-Crystals mixed with leftover Wind-Enchanted Wind-Gems, although some parts got some Fire-Gem-Versions.

Those enchantments reached up to the belly, at which point they slightly ’Intertwined’ themselves with the other enchantments that were meant for attack strengthening, which Eisen filled in largely with Mana-Crystals mixed with Fire-Enchanted Fire-Gems, and parts around the hands or the crossbow especially got the Wind-Gem-Versions.

The gem placed into the center of the crossbow, directly at the spot inbetween the two limbs where every single bolt would glide over, Eisen placed an three-dimensional enchantment with a similar concept to the enchantments he placed onto the Bolts, although slightly different.

It was more of a ’Bestowal’ enchantment, that would cover the bolts in wind to push their speed and range to another level. Of course, the other smaller gems were ability-enchanted with the skill from someone on the ship that had a Crossbow-Related skill.

On the other hand, the sword he made for the Damage-Dealer Golem, which was also covered completely in Fire-Gems that were enchanted with Swordsmanship, with the exception of the large fire-gem, which Eisen gave a three-dimensional enchantment that would cloak it in flames.

And then, after adding some stealth-related stitched-enchantments into the cloak, Eisen moved on to the last of the three Golems, the Supporter Golem.

And the first thing that Eisen did for this one was to work on the three-dimensional enchantments inside of the Golems’ Hands. Those enchantments were supposed to heavily enhance the ability to use Support-Magic that was casted through the hands, and Eisen even filled the hollow spaces up with the Support-Enchanted Gems.

And after adding enchantments that were supposed to basically increase and strengthen the flow of mana artificially created through the Golem Core at a later point to the rest of the body as well, Eisen filled the enchantments outside of the hands up with pure Support-Enchanted Gems, and the rest of the body got those gems mixed with mana-crystals.

And at last, the metal Staff that Eisen made for the Support-Golem then was enchanted as well. And the Skill that Eisen placed on the Gems placed into that staff was Xenia’s very own ’Sorcery’ Skill.

Of course, Eisen figured he should also add a three-dimensional enchantment that was supposed to cover the Staff in Support Magic, although he once more had to fill some of the empty spaces out with Support-Enchanted Gems so that the element could be properly defined.

And just like that, Eisen was done. The last thing that he had to do was to create the Golem Cores, which was practically the easiest part about all of this. And Eisen didn’t place any special enchantments onto the cores either. He didn’t any any special materials, or a special method to create them. Nothing at all.

All he did was create regular old Golem Cores. After all, they wouldn’t stay in there all that long, considering that Eisen would switch them out as soon as he was able to create Ego-Golem Cores. Luckily, the Memories that they had gained would stay with them, as Eisen wasn’t going to switch the Crystal Brains out. It was just that, until they became Ego-Golems, they would be a bit dimwitted, if they were witted at all.

With a smile on his face, Eisen slowly placed the Golem Cores into the center of the Golems’ Bodies, one after another, covering each one in a protective layer of mana-crystal.

Slowly, Eisen grabbed the three golems by the shoulders while his size was increased and set the upright against the wall, before calling the other originals over toward him. After all, all of them were pretty interested in it, and were helping out a good bit as well. Well, beside Xenia and Brody, but those two volunteered to take over the part of teaching them different methods of how to use their abilities and weapons and such.

Eisen really wanted to see these move around as soon as possible, but in the end, he still had to wait for Evalia to finish applying paint to them to make sure the crystals inside the enchantments couldn’t be seen normally, and when she was done, the old man nodded his head with a smile.

Curious to see how these three would work, Eisen looked at the other originals with a grin, completely ignoring the fact that he potentially had something far more worrysome to think about, which came to him in the form of the small red notification in the corner of his eye. But for now, Eisen really, really didn’t care about that.

He just wanted to see if these would work, and especially how well they would work. If they were able to fight right off the bat, or if they would need to be trained first. All in all, Eisen was just excited like a little child on christmas, ready to play with his newest toy.

Slowly, Eisen poured his mana into the three Golem Cores all at once, and the first thing that could be heard were creaking sounds that appeared through the metal getting used to being part of a Golem. Soon, the enchantments all over the Golems’ Bodies and weapons began to glow while activating for the first time.

The Tank’s Shield and Sword, as well as the Golem’s lower arms became covered in a layer of rock while its body became covered in brown glowing enchantments.

A gust of wind exploded outward from the Damage-Dealer’s left arm as the crossbow opened up and its sword caught fire at the same time, and the enchantments began to glow in either a light green or red.

And at last, the enchantments on the Supporter’s body began glowing in a golden light, while its hands seemed to practically radiate energy, and the staff that it was holding gave off that same energy.

Just like that, three Golems rose from the dead.


Meanwhile, on a particular small Island...


A man, at least a being in the shape of one, sat inside of an ancient crypt in front of a fire. At the moment, the man was slowly pulling one of the metallic plates off of its bark-like skin while a needle in his hand began to glow in a white light.

Just then, something else happened, and three of the five statues directly behind the man formed cracks, each starting to let out some differently-colored light.

The first one that formed such cracks was the largest of them all, a statue of an armored man holding a Giant Shield and Sword.

The second one was the second-smallest of the statues, in the shape of an armored woman with a cloth-hood over her head, holding a crossbow in her left hand and a sword in her right.

The last one that began to show those cracks was also wearing a metallic armor, just like any of the other statues, but held a thin, spear-like staff in its hand.

Confused, the man stood up and layed the metal plate it was holding to the side, grabbing a crystal sphere from his side before that sphere began to glow brightly, simply illuminating the dozens over dozens of shattered Golem Cores and numerous different materials surrounding him and the flames.

With a dark, raspy voice, the man chuckled and held its metallic hand up to his wooden face with a light smirk. "Interesting."

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